When can I expect to purchase a Bible in Romanian?

Mike Rummey
Mike Rummey Member Posts: 10 ✭✭

I have been serving here in Romania for 24 years. It would be so helpful for me to be able to use Logos' search capabilities for a Romanian Bible. It would also be helpful for all my notes on various verses and passages to be tagged in it as well. I have been less than impressed with the results that YouVersion gives me when searching one of the Romanian Bibles.

Is there a way I can import one of the Romanian versions? Would I be able to purchase one of the popular Romanian versions in Logos? I use the VDCC and NTR. Would Logos start such a project? I am sure it would not be hard for them since they have so many Bibles in other languages.


  • Justin Gatlin
    Justin Gatlin Member, MVP Posts: 2,112

    I have seen several requests like this. Can you link me to the text of a public domain Romanian Bible that would be useful? I will configure it for a personal book and add it to the Wiki where you can import it.

  • DAL
    DAL Member Posts: 10,768 ✭✭✭

    It would not be hard for them but they haven’t bothered to do it for whatever reasons. Accordance has one and so does e-sword.


  • Mike Rummey
    Mike Rummey Member Posts: 10 ✭✭

    Thank you for getting back to me, guys.

    Justin, the Romanian Bible versions we use the most here are both copyrighted: the first by the British and Foreign Bible Society and the second by Biblica, Inc.. They both are used by permission by YouVersion, the site and app I use for the Romanian Bible.

    The one version is Biblia sau Sfânta Scriptură cu Trimiteri 1924, Dumitru Cornilescu Copyright 1924, 2014.

    The other is Biblia, Noua Traducere Românească™ NTR™ Copyright © 2007, 2010, 2016, 2021 Biblica, Inc.

    Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated by me and many others!