BUG? Grab bars and latency in selecting text on iPadOS 40.0.0 (168) / iPadOS v. 18.3

Tom Vidal
Tom Vidal Member Posts: 275 ✭✭

Grabbing, selecting, and highlighting text on iPadOS is an exercise in frustration. I’ve written about this problem in the past, and think it once was fixed. If you start by selecting one word it is ALMOST impossible to use the bottom drag handle to extend the selection to the right. There is a trick that sometimes works, grab several millimeters below the drag handle, and Logos will sometime register that.

Separate but related problem, when you highlight text on iPadOS it sometimes takes a full 30 seconds for Logos to make the highlight visible and allow me to select text again. This latency is really problematic.

I suppose I do not have to tell you what a workflow killer these problems are. The first problem has work arounds, but I should not have to employ a workaround to do something as basic as selecting text.

I’m not sure what the latest stable release number is, but this problem was occurring in that, too. I switched over to the beta to see if it was better. It’s not.

I know many people at Logos may not appreciate this, but some of us use the iPadOS app as our primary way to interact with Logos—especially at 4:30 in the morning when trying to study our Greek. One of the things that I do most is reading, which means highlighting and notetaking. Anything that makes that process less efficient, makes Logos less useful — and downright counterproductive. Of all the things that mobile Logos should do, being able to interact smoothly and efficiently with reading, highlighting, and notetaking. I lost an hour to this yesterday and so far a half hour this morning. I don’t mean to use this post as an occasion to gripe, I appreciate all of what you do and how hard you work. I just want to make sure you appreciate the gravity of the issue and address it expeditiously.

I don’t know why but this seems to be a problem that keeps cropping up. Sometimes it gets fixed for a while and then when an update comes, we seem to be back to square one.


  • Tom Vidal
    Tom Vidal Member Posts: 275 ✭✭

    Sorry about the post title. The “latency” part is not in selecting text, but it highlighting text.

  • Tom Vidal
    Tom Vidal Member Posts: 275 ✭✭
    edited February 7

    Here is a link to a video I made of the latency issue: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0gwnogp4sejhacfmhuyjo/Highlight-latency.MP4?rlkey=c9n023dbucryoajwemg84v1tq&st=gvnhwty3&dl=0