Compact Passage List User Notes
When we have entire paragraphs in our passage lists, the text takes up too much space when we have large lists. But when we have it in 'Compact' mode there isn't any supplementary note reminding us which passage is which.
There's lots of empty space there. Would be nice to have a column we could put a user note beside each passage for a reminder of what that entire passage group is about; when we are looking for something in particular but forgot exactly which passage it is.
Actually it would be neat to have columns for the books and chapters too.
We could click on the book column and it would sort alphabetically by book. Click again it would sort in order of how it appears in the Bible. (Ignoring the numbers until it's the same book, then apply the numbers). 2 Thess would be under "T" not under "2". Until there is both 1 Thess and 2 Thess, then the dewey decimal system is used to put 1 before 2, but both under T.
An auto sort would be nice too. The passages would always be in order of appearance in the Bible, or alphabetical (without having to manually push the 'sort' button). We would enable this and choose the type in the program settings or somewhere. We could sort a passage list manually if we want; white listing that particular list against the default behavior.
"Compact" doesn't need to be underlined. It's already highlighted as enabled. It's tacky and distracting the way it looks with the underline.