Book request: Stockholm Syndrome Christianity

Marconi Fabio Vieira
Marconi Fabio Vieira Member Posts: 30 ✭✭

Dear Brothers, greetings!

I would like to suggest a book to Logos.


What if our culture isn’t collapsing because of the work of crusading secularists? What if it’s failing because leading Christians identify more with secular elites than with their fellow believers? 

Those are the provocative questions posed by my book Stockholm Syndrome Christianity, which exposes how influential Christian leaders are siding with their anti-Christian cultural captors on everything from biblical authority and science to sex, race, and religious liberty. Going beyond critique, my book identifies root causes and—most crucially—offers practical tips and strategies you can use to help your family, church, and community stand for truth. Read my book to become part of the solution. 

The “Stockholm Syndrome” takes its name from a 1970s bank robbery in Sweden. For several days, an escaped convict held four hostages in the bank. Then something strange happened. After the hostages were released, they expressed sympathy for the criminal and antagonism to the police. The term “Stockholm Syndrome” was later coined to describe the plight of victims who end up adopting the point of view of their victimizers.

Like hostages in a bank, Christians in today’s America grow up in cultural captivity. This is especially true of Christians who join the leadership class — those who go on to become pastors, professors, ministry leaders, journalists, politicians, and creators of entertainment. Immersed for years in a culture that rejects orthodox Christianity, they start identifying more with those who hate Christianity than those who embrace it. As a result, they end up enabling efforts to corrupt the culture.

Drawing on original research as well as my experiences as a college professor and ministry leader, my book examines the symptoms and root causes of Stockholm Syndrome Christianity. It presents strategies to overcome it. And it will equip you to become an agent of change.

Outline of the Book


Part one explores how many cultural conflicts faced by Christians are not simply the result of secularists. They are the result of actions taken by many Christian leaders and their institutions. These leaders are “Stockholm Syndrome Christians.” They identify more with cultural elites who reject Christianity than with their fellow believers. Chapters in this section will examine key areas where Stockholm Syndrome Christianity has become rampant: biblical authority, science, sex, race, and religious liberty.


Part two investigates the root causes of why so many Christian leaders and institutions have adopted Stockholm Syndrome Christianity. The first chapter in this section examines how too many Christians rely on six suspect sources to get their information about the world (the news media, social media, entertainment media, scientists, college professors, and celebrities). A second chapter examines how many Christian leaders seek to please the wrong people. A third chapter focuses on the single biggest reason many Christian churches, schools, colleges, and ministries have gone down the path of Stockholm Syndrome Christianity: a failure to hold leaders accountable. This chapter includes an inside account of how the Christian university where I worked for more than a decade fell away from its moorings.


Part three offers tips and strategies you can use to influence your family, church, and community in standing for biblically-faithful Christianity. One chapter examines seven marks of wisdom all Christians need to cultivate. Another chapter identifies 21 practical actions that five key groups of Christians can take to challenge Stockholm Syndrome Christianity. A final chapter emphasizes the hope we have in a sovereign God who redeems us and promises restoration to His people.

Resources for Action 

Part four will point you to the book’s companion website—where you are right now! The website contains practical tools to help you stand for truth. An online assessment can help diagnose whether you, your church, your school, or your loved ones exhibit symptoms of Stockholm Syndrome Christianity. Discussion/study questions can help you apply what you are learning and share your new knowledge in small groups and adult education classes. A curated list of resources (books, articles, websites, videos, and key organizations) can enable you to dig deeper and equip yourself to deal with the challenges of Stockholm Syndrome Christianity. 

Ultimately, this book is not about critique. It is about empowerment—empowering you with God’s help to stand up and make a difference in your circles of influence.

Author: John G. West from Discovery Institute.

Publisher:Discovery Institute Press
Published:February 3, 2025


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