Anselm Academic Study Bible etc.

MJ. Smith
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Reviews of the Study Bible:

Professional Reviews

ANSELM ACADEMIC STUDY BIBLE: Catholic Edition: New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE) 2015. Anselm Academic, 702 Terrace Heights, Winona, MN 55987-1320 paperbound 398 Pages $43.95 ISBN 978-1-59982-632-5

Organized and developed with the twenty-first reader in mind, the Anselm Academic Study Bible is a late entry into useful and informative editions of the New American Bible Revised Edition that will be welcomed especially by Roman Catholics yet valuable for all Christians. In addition to its excellent translation and notes, it has articles on important and neglected topics such the social context of the Bible, the Christian Bible and Jews, and Contextual and Transformative Interpretation. Other topics in the in-depth, scholarly articles by thirteen writers are informative and compelling features of this Bible. They are The Formation of the Bible; Geography, Archaeology, and the Scriptures; Deuterocanonical and Noncanonical Scriptures; Jewish Biblical Interpretation; The Distinctiveness of Jesus; The Many Faces of Jesus; The Lectionary: A Canon within the Canon; A Brief History and Practice of Biblical Criticism; Critical Issues in Contemporary Interpretation; and Sacred Scripture in the Catholic Tradition. Other important features of this complete study Bible are Engaging scholarship. Recognized and emerging scholars, all expert teachers, present the best and latest research on the formation and interpretation of the Bible. Distinctive approach. Addresses diverse readership and sound pedagogy that encourages critical thinking and informed dialogue. Navigation-friendly organization. Two introductions immediately precede each biblical book, and other resources are sensibly and accessibly arranged. Rich support materials. Full-color and black-and-white photographs, charts, maps, and timelines enhance learning, with online resources available as well. The NABRE is the first major update of the New American Bible (NAB) in twenty years. Reflecting the work of nearly 100 scholars and extensively reviewed and approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, it takes into account the best current scholarship as newly discovered ancient manuscripts improve knowledge and understanding of the biblical text. A statement on the copyright page states, “It is permitted by the undersigned [bishops] for private use and study.” In any case, it is a welcome addition to the many new translations and revisions being published, some commemorating the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible in 2011. The difference between the New American Bible Revised Edition and the New American Bible is that the NABRE is considered to be more verbally equivalent and the NAB more dynamically equivalent, although like most modern translations, each has elements of both translation philosophies. These words to the Pontifical Biblical Commission’s preface to its Interpretation of the Bible in the Church is apt: “This study is never finished; each age must in its own way newly seek to understand the sacred books.”

Book Reviews, by Daniel W. Decker

Anselm Academic Study Bible This study Bible contains the full text of the New American Bible Revised Edition along with introductory articles on the formation of the Bible (J. C. Okoye); geography, archaeology, and the Scriptures (L. J. Hoppe); the social context of the Bible (E. Stewart); Deuterocanonical and non- canonical Scriptures (F. Bovon, J. Endres); the Christian Bible and the Jews (M. C. Boys); Jewish biblical interpretation (A.-J. Levine); the distinctiveness of Jesus (S. C. Martin); the many faces of Jesus (Martin); the lectionary (R. Boisclair); a brief history and practice of biblical criticism (M. Frigge); critical issues in contemporary biblical interpretation (S. J. Binz); sacred Scripture in the Catholic tradition (Binz); and contextual and transformative interpretation (Binz). The treatment of each biblical book includes introductions, the English text, and notes. The NT writings are presented by M. K. Birge (Hebrews, James, 1–2 Peter, 1–3 John, Jude), L. Brink (Romans, 1–2 Corinthians), W. Carter (Matthew), R. F. Collins (Ephesians, Colossians, 1–2 Timothy, Titus), M. Coloe (John), J. A. Kelhoffer (Mark), C. L. Rothschild (Luke, Acts), J.-P. Ruiz (Revelation), and T. Wiley (Galatians, Philippians, 1–2 Thessalonians, Philemon). Maps, charts, and photo- graphs are included as additional study aids. Hoppe served as associate editor for the OT

New Testament Abstracts 59/12015

Before presenting the full text and footnotes to the New American Bible Revised Edition (NABRE), the Anselm Academic Study Bible provides a series of articles such as “The Formation of the Bible,” “Geography, Archaeology, and the Scriptures,” “Social Context of the Bible,” and “The Distinctiveness of Jesus,” where each article (and more!) contain highly interesting and helpful information. For example, the article on geography lets us know the “territory controlled by the ancient Israelite kingdoms was relatively small – about the size of New Jersey.” And, in “Social Context,” we realize that “All of the cultures of the ancient Near East, along with Greek and Roman cultures, were honor cultures” where that status could “be earned or achieved,” which explains why King Saul, who had been victorious over thousands, became paranoid over David, who was honored for conquering “tens of thousands.” In “The Formation of the Bible,” we discover that the Septuagint or Greek Bible was widely read during Jesus’ time and, therefore, provided over 90 percent of the Old Testament verses quoted in the New Testament. Although Catholic Bibles follow that translation, others do not, making the Apocrypha a source of confusion among various denominations. However, the article on “Deuterocanonical and Noncanonical Scriptures” not only explains this well but mentions various books written during Bible times that were not canonized but became a source of folktales and thought-provoking information not found in scripture.Equally interesting, the article on “Jewish Biblical Interpretation” gives insight into common methods of study, biblical analysis, and interpretative thinking such as allegory, numeric value, and typology where something on earth represents a type of reality found in heaven. In addition, “Jewish and non-Jewish interpreters familiar with earlier Jewish commentary draw on rabbinic/ midrashic interpretation, with its attention to multiple meanings, plays on words, and intertextual conversations, to enhance literary-critical approaches.” Understanding Jesus’ Jewish heritage helps us to recognize “The Many Faces of Jesus” as seen by early Christians and Gospel writers who “came to understand the person and mission of Jesus as the new Adam, the new Son of David, the new Passover, and the New Covenant that the Hebrew Scriptures foretold.” With this foundation, we’re better equipped to approach “A Brief History and Practice of Biblical Criticism” with its methods of studying the Bible through history, textual comparisons, translations, forms, sources, intent, and/or unifying themes. As the article on “Contextual and Transformative Interpretation” explains, “different types of meaning within biblical texts” might focus on “The messianic meaning,” “The canonical meaning,” or “The communal meaning,” but “One can read the Bible primarily for information, that is, to be intellectually enlightened, or for transformation, that is, to be personally changed.” Regarding the latter, “This integration of the meaning of the text and the world of the reader is the ultimate goal of interpretation.” With “meditative prayer or communal worship, the biblical texts become more personal and immediate,” for example, through Lectio Divina.A subheading on “The Tradition of Lectio Divina” offers these bullet points for us to consider and live out: •Lectio – Reading the Text with a Listening Ear. •Meditatio – Reflecting on the Meaning and Message of the Text. •Oratio – Praying in Response to Scripture. •Contemplatio – Quietly Resting in God. •Operatio – Faithful witness in Daily Life.

Mary SaylerApril 21, 2014

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

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