About the Giovanni Diodati Bibbia

Carmen Gauvin-O'Donnell
Carmen Gauvin-O'Donnell Member Posts: 716 ✭✭✭
edited 2:44PM in Books and Courses Forum

Hey all! So I've been on Duolingo renewing my acquaintance with Italian, which I studied as a teenager. Ma che bello! 😁

Question: I have the Giovanni Diodati Bibbia in Logos (an Italian Protestant Bible) What I need to know from Italian-speaking folk here is: Can I use that to work on my Italian or is it in some old, dated form of Italian or something (think Italian KJV as it were! :-) which will only confuse me?

If that is so, does Logos also carry a "modern" Italian version, and what's it called?

Grazie mille, amici! 😎
