Improved Sermon Builder AI tools

Michael Mura
Michael Mura Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

I have seen some other tools on the internet that will create an AI chatbot based on your specific sermon. You can ask it questions to help refine your sermon. For example, you can use prompts like: "Does this sermon effectively point people to Jesus and their need for Him to be their Savior?" or "Give me advice for better transitions between my main points."

I think there is a TON of potential here. You could have a small library of categorized prompts to help preachers refine their sermons. You could even have different prompts based on material from great preaching books like "Christ-Centered Preaching" by Bryan Chapell.

One other AI tool I've seen is the ability to generate a complete small-group study guide based on a particular sermon. Again, you could have different prompts available based on the type of study you prefer (OIA, etc.). Many services will also generate a five-day devotional based on the content of your sermon. Logos has something similar to this now, but it really just gives you a list of questions that you need to copy/paste into a document for formatting. What would be a game changer is if Logos could create a draft of a complete small group study guide in a new document. You could even ask Logos to follow a particular study method like OIA.

I put in a LOT of work each week preparing sermons. Tools like these would greatly help my congregation interact with and apply the Sunday sermon throughout the rest of the week.

Have there been any discussions about incorporating tools like these directly into Logos?

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  • Michael Mura
    Michael Mura Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    I suppose I could export my sermon to Chat GPT and interact with it that way. Then I could import the my update sermon back into Logos to preach from my iPad. This would be a significant hassle though with many extra steps. If my sermon is already in Logos, it would be a game changer to be able to interact with a chat bot right inside Logos to help me improve my sermon.

  • charlie
    charlie Member Posts: 44 ✭✭

    I fully agree with you.

    I never use the AI sermon builder functions, because they just don't do anything helpful, which is a shame. It is new, however, so I am hopeful that it will be improved over time, and suggestions like yours are a great way to move forward.

    What I do is copy and paste sections into ChatGPT and ask questions like you stated. Once I get the first draft nice, I will export it as a word document and attach that file in ChatGPT.

    You are correct that it is a lot and it would be great if we did not have to use an external source to do this.