Return Ability to Click Anywhere on Song Title in Editor to Change Song

Hello, I really appreciate Proclaim and enjoy using it!
One recent update adjusted how one clicks on the title in the Song Editor area in order to type in a different title. Previous versions allowed you to click anywhere on the title, and doing so would give you control of the text field and allow you to type in a different song title in order to change the song.
The most recent versions now require you to click on the small Change Song arrows to the right of the song title.
Please return this particular interface to the old way. The old way was better; workflow moved much better when you didn't have to be as specific with where to click. Also, the Change Song arrows get hidden if the Song Editor area is sized too small and/or the song title is very long.
Thanks for considering my feedback!
God bless,
Daren Butler
FBC Kingsville, TX