Systematic Theologies by Denomination in all Guides

Wayne Moore
Wayne Moore Member Posts: 12 ✭✭
edited March 7 in English Feedback

It would be helpful to show Systematic Theologies by Denomination in all Guides.

2 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    Systematic theology section requires either a Bible reference or a systematic theology topic; it is already available in the guides that can provide that information. How do you intend it to work in other Guides e.g. Counseling Guide which requires a counseling topic or topical sermon starter which requires a preaching theme, the Bible word study requires an individual term rather than a topic so how does it relate? What do you expect to gain by using a theological topic in the topic guide rather than the theological guide?

    All of which boils down to: "tell me how it would be helpful, and you'll get my vote"

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Wayne Moore
    Wayne Moore Member Posts: 12 ✭✭

    @MJ. Smith Thanks, MJ. Good points. I guess what I am requesting is to be able to filter the systematic theologies by denomination wherever they show up in the guides. I know I have seen this option somewhere but I can't remember where. It would just help to broaden the locations where this would be possible. Any advice on how to write my request would be appreciated. Or, better yet, if you are interested, you could write the request and I will vote for your idea. I'm still relatively new at using Logos. Thanks!

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,692

    Okay, I misunderstood your request to mean you wanted the section in all guides rather than to mean you wanted the same changes everywhere the section is used - which is automatically true.

    What you are asking for (slightly enlarged by me) is that the systematic theology section mirror the commentaries section is presentation sorts. I would change my initial response to indicate this except I am unable to edit it for reasons I should report but …

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • James Johnson
    James Johnson Member Posts: 197 ✭✭

    THIS IS BRILLIANT! Also, if we could get authors of books by denomination.