The Filioque: Answering the Eastern Orthodox

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- Title: The Filioque: Answering the Eastern Orthodox by Brian Duong
- Author: Brian Duong
- Publisher:
- ISBN: 979-8336961867
- External Links: The Filioque: Answering the Eastern Orthodox: 9798336961867: Duong, Brian: Books
Do you have additional comments for the Logos team? Add those here. Note: I don't agree with this books. I believe the Catholic and Orthodox understandings are compatible.
Amazon blurb:
The Filioque controversy stands as the pivotal theological dispute that ignited the schism between the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches. Getting into the intricacies of this debate is essential for understanding the root causes of the schism and charting a path toward reconciliation. While contemporary ecumenical dialogue often emphasizes the debate over Papal authority as the primary division between Catholics and Orthodox, historical precedence shows the Filioque as the central point of contention. Its significance warrants a thorough investigation, particularly considering its implications for the doctrine of the Most Holy Trinity, the ultimate object of our contemplation and eternal destiny.
In Chapter 1 of this book, we shall first discuss what the Filioque is. Then in Chapter 2, we shall review the dogmatic declarations regarding the procession of the Holy Spirit in the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. In Chapter 3, we shall provide evidence for the Filioque from Tradition, demonstrating that over 30 saints, 2 ecumenical councils, and 10+ local councils taught Catholic Pneumatology. In Chapter 4, we shall go over the evidence for the Filioque found in Scripture. In Chapter 5, we shall present theological arguments for the Filioque, drawing from the thought of the Thomistic Tradition. In Chapter 6, we shall refute the Eastern Orthodox doctrine of eternal manifestation, which is intimately connected to the Filioque controversy. Finally, Chapter 7 shall conclude with responses to Eastern Orthodox objections against the Filioque.
By the end of the book, we shall have demonstrated that the Catholic Church is correct in its teaching of the Filioque and that the Eastern Orthodox doctrinally erred.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."