BUG: Back button/History not working correctly.

NetworkGeek Member Posts: 3,748 ✭✭✭

On Verbum/Mac:

  • Bring up "In Defense of Miracles: A Comprehensive Case for God's Action in History"
  • In the Reference box, type 'Page 9' to go to it.
  • Click on Search on the panel's Dynamic Toolbar, and type 'physicians'
  • If you click the '<' to go back (tooltip says "Back (right click for history)), nothing happens.
  • If you right click on the Back arrow, the history shows correctly. But clicking to any prior panels does NOT change the panel display from the search results page.
  • So now, close all open panels, and reopen "In Defense of Miracles…."
  • In the Reference box, type 'Page 9' to go to it.
  • Click on Search on the panel's Dynamic Toolbar, and type 'physicians'
  • Click on the hyperlink for the result on page 210. Page 210 opens in a second panel, the search pane also remains open.
  • Back '<' does nothing in the page 210 pane, which is correct as that pane has no prior pages to go back to. But again, Back '<' in the results page does nothing, even though it shows History when you right click on the '<' button.


  • Aaron Hamilton
    Aaron Hamilton Member, MVP Posts: 1,542
    edited March 21

    This indeed appears to be a bug that is also present on Windows. It does not appear to be resource-specific. It is also not specific to the beta version.

    After performing an inline search, the back button often fails to clear the search results and return to the book on the first attempt. However, there appears to be a workaround. If you hit the back arrow, then the forward arrow, then the back arrow again after performing an inline search, the back arrow will often work as expected the second time it is pressed, clearing the search and returning to the book.

  • NetworkGeek
    NetworkGeek Member Posts: 3,748 ✭✭✭

    Good catch on a workaround @Aaron Hamilton !

  • Adam Borries (Logos)
    Adam Borries (Logos) Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 947

    Thanks for the report; I've opened a case to get it fixed.

  • NetworkGeek
    NetworkGeek Member Posts: 3,748 ✭✭✭