AI search is a joke – Exhibit 3
All you Logos fanboys and fangirls, please take a break…this AI search is a helluva joke played on its customers. They have the gall to charge us for this. I had this quote from Charles Spurgeon: "Little things are always swift in anger; great things are not so." I wanted to get the context. I know I have lots and lots of…
linguistic and exegetical key to the greek new testament (rogers, rogers)
Please make available in Logos
NEW: Smart Bible Search, ready for beta testing on Desktop
This functionality requires a license to access it. Please join this Faithlife group if you'd like to participate in testing smart Bible search. Smart Bible search gives you the ability to easily search individual Bibles for whatever you are looking for, without needing to know special syntax. Now you can use natural…
Search notes and tags on mobile
Hi Logos-Community, I use Logos on my mobile, either in the App oder WebApp. I very like the search functionality, especially with the AI opportunity, also to be able to use this on my iPad. When I think of the result for a search, I am not only looking for an AI answer or a Factbook answer, but also what I personally…
Smarte Suche auf Sammlung einschränken
Mir scheint es, als wäre es nicht möglich, eine smarte Suche auf eine Sammlung anzuwenden. Immer wenn ich den Suchbereich auf Bücher setze und dann die Sammlung auswählen, schaltet er den Suchmodus auf precise (hier fehlt übrigens die deutsche Übersetzung) zurück. Mache ich etwas falsch? Ich arbeite hier auf dem iPad.
Seeking resource suggestions
I post a daily Bible reading/comment in a Facebook group I created for that purpose. I am wanting to do a study I will title "But God" exploring situations that were humanly hopeless, but God stepped in and changed either the situation or people's feelings about it. Resource suggestions?
Concise Reformed Dogmatics by J van Genderen & WH Velema
J Van Genderen & W H Velema Biblically Based, confessionally rooted, and committed to the best reformed tradition, notably Calvin and Bavinck. Academic work of art. A must for any serious Scholar of the Bible especially in the Reformed tradition. ISBN:978-0-87552-577-8 Available in English!!!!!
How to search...
I'm wanting to identify all the instances in Exodus where God gives a command. I know how to do a general Bible search (speaker:person:God INTERSECTS command:*) and how to do a morph search (morph.h:V?M), but how do I bring these together?
Die V.40 beta hat eine tolle KI Suche
Die Suche in Logos funktioniert endlich so, wie ich Laie es bisher nur aus ChatGPT kannte. Man kann normalen Text reinschreiben und Logos erkennt perfekt was ich will. Bei 'Büchern', 'Bibel' und 'Überall'. Super!
NEW: Smart Bible Search, ready for beta testing on Mobile
This functionality requires a license to access it. Please join this Faithlife group if you'd like to participate in testing smart Bible search. Smart Bible search gives you the ability to easily search individual Bibles for whatever you are looking for, without needing to know special syntax. Now you can use natural…
Can I search books in cloud in Book Search?
I do a Book Search on a topic, so books I own are searched. But…are my books in the cloud searched? I figure not, but am checking. I am on L8.
Bible Search Improvements
I think the way the search tool works is way too specific to really be useful. (I am referencing the "Search All Bible Text in All Passages for" tool.) For one very important thing, I would much appreciate if case sensitivity were removed when searching for text. It's frustrating when "feed my sheep" or "if ye love me"…
BUG: using language indicators in search not working?
Am I doing something wrong? Why are g: and h: not working? I haven't used them in a while…
Results of a smart Bible search won't save to a passage list
I'm unable to save the results of my smart Bible search to a passage list. The passage list document opens, with the search text as the title, but with no verses. Is this a bug, or a missing capability? (Verbum 40.0 Beta 1 | 40.0.281)
Custom Labels - "Topics" Are Not Consistently Selectable
I'm incorporating some custom labeling into my 2025 reading plan, which I'm doing on the L10 desktop app and Macbook Air running the latest version of Sequoia. When I come across a verse that qualifies for a label, I highlight the verse, select the label name from the Highlighting toolbar and then fill in the label's…
NEW: Smart Bible Search, ready for beta testing on Web
This functionality requires a license to access it. Please join this Faithlife group if you'd like to participate in testing smart Bible search. Smart Bible search gives you the ability to easily search individual Bibles for whatever you are looking for, without needing to know special syntax. Now you can use natural…
Jesus, the Apostles, and the Early Church
Jesus, the Apostles, and the Early Church Benedict XVI, Pope. Jesus, the Apostles and the Early Church (p. 2). Ignatius Press. General Audiences 15 March 2006—14 February 2007
5 free AI engines vs. Logos AI
Hi everyone, I bought subscription at launch – am giving Logos the benefit of doubt that they will deliver something of value over the next 2 years. But today was the first day trying out AI search. I asked the question “What does criticism mean in biblical studies” to 7 different apps: Gemini, Copilot, ChatGPT,…
Shift Down the Search Banner that Pops Up When Searching the Library on iPad
I can post a screenshot of this if need be. When I use the find box in Library on my iPad and search for a book, a banner keeps popping up asking me if I want to search my library instead. I keep accidentally tapping that banner and running a search when I mean to tap the book I'm looking for to open the book. If we can…
How to create a Collection
How can I create my personal collection so I can easy search in it what I need? (e.g. a collection of all the Catholic Church documents I own) I've saw there have been a webinar on that but is not longer avaiable.
How to do a clause search with a morph
I would like to find all the places where God is the subject and the verb is in the future tense. How would I write my search?
Please add a library type of Parabiblical
There are three major subcategories in ancient texts: (1) Near eastern texts and latin/Greek classics (2) Jewish and early church fathers Judeo-Christian texts and (3) parabiblical texts, a term I first ran into at https://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/rak/courses/735/Parabiblical/labels.htm a few years ago. It includes apocrypha,…
Possible Bug: Version 39.0 Search Issue
I posted this last night, but when I edited it, it probably deleted it. Anyway, I am not sure if this is a Bug, I don't know how to do it anymore, or I have beef with this update. The technical notes state: Search Added auto-switch to precise search for numerous scenarios when executing a search. All Search will use…
Jewish women not qualified for testimony in court?
It seems a commonplace in commentaries on the empty tomb (e.g. Mk 16,1-9), that Jewish women were excluded from giving testimony as a witness in official trials. But I cannot find any precise OT passage for this, even employing Smart Search. Could someone give me a hint?
Good smart searches
I am trying to learn to make questions in Logos smart search. Today I think I had success with this: mathematics in mesopotamia This thread is a beginning to collect good searches. Background in the end of thread
BUG: Error in search for personification
Requesting a description value of personification in figure of speech includes the description value of anti-personification i.e. a partial value brings up an unrelated value I cannot easily screen for. @Jason Stone (Logos) This did not get a useful answer as it needs a response on why the false positive.
Erweiterte Suche mobile
Hallo liebe Logos-Community, ich hatte in der Vergangenheit in zwei anderen Threads bezüglich der erweiterten Suche auf mobilen Endgeräten (iPad) nachgefragt und bis heute keine Antwort erhalten. Deswegen fasse ich das nochmals in einer eigenen Anfrage zusammen: 1.) Wie kann ich die erweiterte Suche mobile nutzen? 2.) Wie…
Why can't I switch back to a regular view of the text after a search?
Perhaps I am missing something, but I cannot seem to get back to the full text of a passage after doing a search. So, for example, I was reading in Deuteronomy 10 and wanted to search "love God" in Deuteronomy. It gave results nicely, but then I couldn't figure out how to get back to the straight text of Deuteronomy 10…
BUG: Why does the book open to its title page?
In testing opening a book from the search panel results, I found the book opens to the reference if the book is already on the device, if I ask it to be downloaded to the device, if I ask it to be opened in the web app … but if I use the Quick buy option, it opens to the title page. Why isn't the correct address passed in…
BUG:Why is Factbook the odd man out when it comes to blue hyperlinks
King as recognised by the Regent dataset
Specifically in 2 Kings 15, ESV, but applicable elsewhere. Uzziah is often identified as Azariah i.e. Azariah = person:"Uzziah (king)" = regent:(agent:person:"Uzziah (king)" AND role:King) In 2 King 15:30 Uzziah is tagged as regent:role:King when describing the relationship to Jotham, who is not tagged as King. Neither of…
The smart search panel should have a "save to note" feature for a completed search
The smart search panel should have a "save to note" feature for a completed search, located under the three vertical dots, above or under the "save as visual filter" option. The feature should result in the original search query along with the Synopsis and perhaps a list of the top sources being saved to a new note.
Is there a list of all existing index types within the software?
If the list includes a description of how they work, the better.
combining a lemma and a non-specific morphological search
I want to do Bible searches on Hebrew verbs. Hebrew has various verb forms, qal, piel, hiphil. So I want to search the lemma in one of these forms. Logos won't let me do that. I can either look at the lemma in a very specific form, like 3rd person masc singular piel but not piel by itself. Or I could look at that specific…
BUG: @ moves to incorrect position
On Windows, if one starts with a Hebrew lemma search and try to enter @ after the lemma, it is erroneously placed after the colon rather than after the lemma. I assume this is a type direction issue. For a full discussion, see
Jesus Correcting Anyone in the Bible Search
I would like to find every time in the Bible when Jesus spoke a word of correction to someone who was doing something wrong in His eyes. I would also like to filter out when he spoke these words to the Pharisees as He seemed to do that a lot… My focus is that todays church seems a little too comfortable saying that "Jesus…
BUG: why does this search require the diacritical mark
This is a simple figure of speech search which returns no results if I fail to enter the diacritical mark … a major nuisance.
What happened to the progress bar on the mobile apps?
Previously, the mobile apps featured a progress bar that allowed users to track their location within a resource and monitor their progress through a book. This feature was incredibly useful and important, especially for those of us who rely on Logos as our primary electronic reading platform. Its absence is noticeable and…
Is there an easy way to export a vocabulary list from a selected passage?
I would like to generate a vocabulary list from a specific set of verses. Is there an easy way to do this in Logos?
Request for Regex (Regular Expression) Searches
I would like to make a request for Regex (Regular Expression) searches to be added to Logos. So, say for example someone wanted to find ever occurrence of the meteg accent attached to the qamats vowel in the Hebrew Bible one could either enter the following string: [\u0590-\u05FF]\u05B8\u05BD or one could enter the…
Datives Search
How would I find all Datives in a book of the Bible? Both nouns and verbs?
How to use logos tags with visual filters
Hello, I'm wanting to learn more about search& visual filters to take advantage of tagging. As an example, Psalm 10:1 has several tags applied to it as show in this screenshot: The last two are related to questions. Whenever I come across tags like this is there a standard way to use them in things such as visual filters?…
Why are Knowledge from Dictionary of Bible Themes listed for Gen 1:1?
I'm using the Passage Guide for Gen 1:1. Why are all the knowledge Topics listedfor the Dictionary of Bible Themes if Gen 1:1 is not referenced in those topics? I fail to see the relevance and direct link.
How to Search for all Commands
I'm trying to run a search for all the commands given in the Bible and then sort them and see what trends arise in terms of frequency of certain kinds of commands (I'm especially interested in musical commands like sing). I think in the past I tried to put together a morphology search for things like this but what is the…
Necessary Complexity
Hi Logos team! Thank y’all for your hard work and all that you do to make my work and study easier as a missionary, preacher, and seminary student! You recently sent us a survey asking about the complexity of logos. I wanted to add a comment—I believe that Logos is necessarily complex. It’s the difference between a car’s…
How to search for Hebrew Vowel Patterns?
QUESTION: Is there any way to search for specific Hebrew vowel patterns irregardless of the consonants? What about searching for specific accent patterns? Reuben Helmuth asked this same question back in March 2015 and rather than resurrect an old thread I would like to ask the same question a new.
AI Usage 13%
Since we have the AI usage indication and mine just reset today I though I would report my results if anyone is interested. I hit 13% yesterday. I'm on the PRO subscription level. I did a couple of dozen smart searches. (not sure if there's a way to tell how many I did) I made 75 summaries of chapters within several books…
Filter Notes by Icon type or Color
I think It would be helpful if we had a way to filter or sort notes based on the icon type or color. I've started using one icon for each AI generated summary that I save as a note. If I copy text from a commentary and use it to create a note I use a blue icon color. For my notes, I use a yellow icon. What does anyone else…
Search Ministry Website for Verse or Topic in Guides
The Counseling Guide searches some pre-set ministry websites for counseling topics, and there are some pre-set website guide sections in Logos. It would be useful if one could add their own ministry websites to a custom guide template and be able to search them for a verse of topic. For example, here's InTouch Ministries's…
A Kudos for the Subscription Verbum
The old version of Verbum was pretty brainless when it came to finding quotes I was trying to put into context. It wouldn't even recognize an exact quote to take me to the document. Today, I took a partial phrase I remembered and typed it in. Boom, it found the exact resource. Well done, Logos. This was a much-needed…