How to copy and paste a whole section of the service ( or announcements)

Barb Green
Barb Green Member Posts: 2
edited March 23 in Proclaim Forum

I do not know how to copy my whole preservice announcements to place them at the end of the service.


  • Nancy Bell
    Nancy Bell Member Posts: 9

    After opening the service you want to change, in the left column click on the name of the first item you want to copy. On a Windows computer, hold the Shift key down and click on the name of the last item you want to copy. Then right-click inside the group that you have selected and choose "Copy". Now go to where you want to insert the copies, right-click on the item just before where you want the copies put, and choose "Paste." A copy of everything you selected should be added at that spot.

    For a Mac, use the standard keys to copy and paste. They're a little different from Windows, but the idea is the same.

  • Barb Green
    Barb Green Member Posts: 2

    thank you so much. Just got it done for today’s service. Blessings. Barb