Complete Word Study Bible KJV: Inline / Interlinear Strongs & Bible Text Only View Options

Simon’s Brother
Simon’s Brother Member Posts: 6,820 ✭✭✭

[<:o)]This resource  offers inline codes with links to notes about underlying grammar and the option of either inline or interlinear strongs numbers



... at least in L3... in L4 you seem to loose the ability to view the strong's numbers either inline or interlinear format  (George rejoices [<:o)] )  but the data is still accessible from right click menu  (George turns green [+o(] with nausea). Also in L3 if you wanted to hide the inline  'grammatical codes' you could do so also with t VIEW->BIBLE TEXT ONLY.

In L4 I can't find equivalent menu options from all the little hidey holes that we now find our old L3 control commands.  Are these VIEW menu commands still there and I just have found the dark deep cavern in which the developers have hidden them.. or are they gone to that place where the LLS2 code, LBX1, LBX2 and soon LBX3 code resides after its been de-valued. 



The VIEW->BIBLE TEXT ONLY option (L3) is also useful with other bibles for hiding footnote markers etc.  So this questions applies to a wider variety of resources.  i.e. is there equivalent user control functionality in L4 and if so how is it accessed ?
