Index of the Practical Works of Richard Baxter

Mark Smith
Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,798
edited November 20 in English Forum

4505.Index to The Practical Works of Richard

Attached is a Logos 3 Note file consisting of an Index of the 23 volumes of The Practical Works of Richard Baxter. After unzipping it, this can be imported into Logos 4 by placing it in the following folder: My Documents/Libronix DLS/Annotations and then running Import Notes from the Command Bar in Logos 4.

A few notes:

1. Because of the nature of hyperlinking resources in Logos 3, the links will go only to the page where a chapter or book begins, not the start of the chapter or book. You can correct this in Logos 4 by opening each volume and using the table of contents to open to each chapter or book listed in this index, copying the hyperlink to the exact location by using CRTL-ALT-C, then highlighting the link text in the Note file and pasting the copied hyperlink information into the hyperlink data box and hitting Enter. This is tedious and you may think it unecessary. However I have saved you a lot of time by creating the entries for the hyperlinks if nothing else.

2. Granularity of the index varies. Generally I did not list and index individual chapters. The exception is The Christian Directory which takes up volumes 2-6. I thought it helpful in this case to index to the chapter level.

3. There may be errors. If you point them out to me I will try to update the file.

4. Importing into Logos 4 is in my experience often less than perfect. So expect after importing that some links will be broken. You will need to manually repair these in Logos 4.

Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

Bridgeport, CT USA



  • Timothy Ha
    Timothy Ha Member Posts: 431 ✭✭

    Given the tagged nature of Logos books, I think Logos should find a way to provide automatic Scripture and topical index for collections. :-) - Russian Christian Portal, with free Bible software; - blog

  • GaoLu
    GaoLu Member Posts: 3,484 ✭✭✭

    Mark, Is this still the best Richard Baxter Practical Works index?  Do you have this in DOCX?
