Problem syncing reading plans
I just remembered this morning that you can manually delete reading plans off the iPad and iPhone. On the home page of the app, simply swipe right over the plan and then click the delete button that shows up. At least this way you can get rid of any reading plans you don't want showing up on you iDevice.
Helping people find seminary scholarships and church jobs.
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Ryan Burns said:
I just remembered this morning that you can manually delete reading plans off the iPad and iPhone. On the home page of the app, simply swipe right over the plan and then click the delete button that shows up. At least this way you can get rid of any reading plans you don't want showing up on you iDevice.
It didn't work for me. Can you show a screen shot?
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Logos updated the iPhone app today. They still haven't addressed the syncing issues with the reading plans. Why not scrap the reading plan sync feature and let iPhone users create independent reading plans on the phone? Maybe the option to sync could be added when the developers figure it out.
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This is a pain!
Personally I don't care what avenue Logos takes it would be really helpful for my productivity if this software "just worked"!
I've even lost count on how many occasions I've wasted time checking to see if some "feature" or "glitch" in Logos has something to do with my installation of Logos or if it is actually a "bug" which Logos needs to resolve. It's been an ongoing disappointment for me to note the latter has invariably been the case.
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Here's my solution for the iPhone and iPad problem of not syncing the reading plans...I'm not going to use Logos on my iPhone or iPad anymore. It's just too frustrating. The desktop version is wonderful, but the application has NEVER worked right on either of my portable devices, and I have been using it for 5 months. No syncing, randomly creating new reading plans, not accepting daily readings, etc.
If you own an iPhone or iPad then you most likely have the apple bookstore app. Just download a bible and do your reading from that.
Everytime I start up the app on one of my portable devices it keeps asking me to rate the Logos app, and I have been putting it off in the hopes the problem will be fixed. Unfortunately I'm going to have to give the app two thumbs down.
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Jack -
First, welcome to the forums. Sorry you are having troubles.
jack thomson said:Here's my solution for the iPhone and iPad problem of not syncing the reading plans...I'm not going to use Logos on my iPhone or iPad anymore. It's just too frustrating.
I unfortunately must concur with you. I would, however, like to give you some hope. The primary problem with the mobile app is the sync infrastructure. Logos is about to release a beta for the desktop app (4.5) which will address sync issues. Once this upgrade goes public (i.e. "out of beta"), Logos will be in a position to release a new version of the mobile app with sync 2.0. Along with working reading plans, we are told that this will bring Highlighting & Notes.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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I'm having the same problem mentioned by many. After nearly 2/3 of the way through with my reading plan, it stopped syncing. Then it keeps creating new plans starting over with Gen 1.
It is very frustrating. It's good to know Logos is working on it, but ...
I think my solution is to start using YouVersion for my Reading Plan. Besides, they have the NIV.
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alabama24 said:
Jack -
First, welcome to the forums. Sorry you are having troubles.
jack thomson said:Here's my solution for the iPhone and iPad problem of not syncing the reading plans...I'm not going to use Logos on my iPhone or iPad anymore. It's just too frustrating.
I unfortunately must concur with you. I would, however, like to give you some hope. The primary problem with the mobile app is the sync infrastructure. Logos is about to release a beta for the desktop app (4.5) which will address sync issues. Once this upgrade goes public (i.e. "out of beta"), Logos will be in a position to release a new version of the mobile app with sync 2.0. Along with working reading plans, we are told that this will bring Highlighting & Notes.
I'm happy for you and your optimism. However, we've heard about the wonderful fixes on the horizon for some time now. This thread was started in December 2010. God creates babies in less time than it takes Logos to fix a problem that many other apps have no problem with. I agree with Jack; the Logos desktop program is wonderful but their iPhone and iPad app is "just too frustrating." It is sinful for me to use the Logos iPhone or iPad app because it tempts me to anger.
Jack, I too have found a solution to the problem. The Tree recently announced they are introducing a desktop version this winter. Logos had better look in the rear view mirror.
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Brad Vincent said:
God creates babies in less time than it takes Logos to fix a problem that many other apps have no problem with.
The "many other apps" aren't trying to sync with the most powerful Bible Software program on the market. I understand your frustration. If there is another program you like better, use it and don't waste your time on the forums. If you have questions that others can help to answer, than feel free to join in the conversation.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Here is my question that I hope "others" can help answer: When will I be able to sync my reading plans?
Logos is still my favorite Bible software and I believe it is "the most powerful software on the market." I just can't keep from thinking Logos released the car without the wheels when they jumped into the mobile market.
I appreciate your concern for my time. I don't consider my time wasted because my hope is that someone at Logos will read the forums and realize this is a real concern for many.
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Brad Vincent said:
Here is my question that I hope "others" can help answer: When will I be able to sync my reading plans?
I can't answer you to your satisfaction. I can't even answer to my satisfaction. I eagerly await an update like you do. I don't really use the mobile app at all other than for light reading that I don't care much about. When I read, I like to highlight, so I avoid the mobile app. I can, however, give you Bob's response to a similar question:
Bob Pritchett said:Mick said:If I knew it was projected to be released next year I would stop holding my breath or being disappointed every time my iPad showed a program update and Logos not being on the list or after installing Logos update not seeing the notes and highlighting.
It's just too difficult to predict dates, and things are always changing.
Things we can tell you:
- Proclaim is going into public beta October 11th, so we're shipping things that support that. (This mobile app update has support to follow Proclaim presentations.)
- The next priority is "sync v2" which enables smarter, faster, more robust annotation and highlighting, and treats highlights as notes without note text. We have to ship this on the desktop in order to deliver it to mobile, but we're working on it in parallel with Proclaim and it's not far off. We know that mobile notes and highlighting are high on everyone's list. It's taken a while, but I'm confident that once it's delivered you'll agree it's the most robust, most powerful notes and highlighting available for any mobile e-reader.
In case you haven't been following the forums closely, Beta 4.5 is expected in the next couple of weeks. This will be the beginning of unveiling sync v2.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Brad Vincent said:
Here is my question that I hope "others" can help answer: When will I be able to sync my reading plans?
"Very Soon" [:P] (apologies: as a Logos user, not idea when)
Am aware many mobile Logos users are looking forward to highlighting and note syncing. Logos has many places for Notes (whose underlying storage is changing), pondering potential for relatively short public Logos 4.5 Beta testing (verify Notes and Highlighting work and can sync cross platform). Also cognizant that replication coding and implementation lacks public beta testing viability until private testing is reliable. Public testing during middle of replication coding has potential for awful data explosion (or loss), see When Syncing Goes Bad...
Brad Vincent said:Logos is still my favorite Bible software and I believe it is "the most powerful software on the market." I just can't keep from thinking Logos released the car without the wheels when they jumped into the mobile market.
Logos does release early and often. Thankful can read many resources on mobile devices with many iOS improvements; hoping for reliable cross platform sync that works consistently.
Logos 4 Mac was released same way; had usable set of features, yet Feature Parity is still in progress. Thankful for Logos 4 Mac usability.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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alabama24 said:Bob Pritchett said:Mick said:
If I knew it was projected to be released next year I would stop holding my breath or being disappointed every time my iPad showed a program update and Logos not being on the list or after installing Logos update not seeing the notes and highlighting.
It's just too difficult to predict dates, and things are always changing.
Things we can tell you:
- Proclaim is going into public beta October 11th, so we're shipping things that support that. (This mobile app update has support to follow Proclaim presentations.)
- The next priority is "sync v2" which enables smarter, faster, more robust annotation and highlighting, and treats highlights as notes without note text. We have to ship this on the desktop in order to deliver it to mobile, but we're working on it in parallel with Proclaim and it's not far off. We know that mobile notes and highlighting are high on everyone's list. It's taken a while, but I'm confident that once it's delivered you'll agree it's the most robust, most powerful notes and highlighting available for any mobile e-reader.
Frankly this is getting tiresome. All this "HYPE" is becoming very taxing on my ever optimistic, ever hopeful, blissful carefree composed, state-of-mind.
I've been "eagerly waiting" for many years now for Logos to get their act together but the "ANSWER" as always seems to be "just" around the corner.
How many more "corners" do you think?
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Thank you for posting that!
I totally forgot about swiping to the right.
I would only touch the arrow and the right and it would open the plan. At least a redundant plan is effectively deleted on my iPad and laptop! Yay!
Now I'm just waiting for the current, correct reading plan to sync and reappear on the iPad. It has happened before. I'll check back later today!
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Jeffrey Hands said:
I'm just waiting for the current, correct reading plan to sync and reappear on the iPad.
Don't get your hopes up. Reading plans will not work well until sync 2.0 is released. [EDIT: I don't know how well it may work if your primary desire is to read on your mobile device and NOT on your desktop/laptop. Perhaps things work in reverse when you stick with the mobile app. Either way, you should choose one format and stick with it. Since I highlight nearly everything I read, I ONLY use the full version of L4.]
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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In a futile attempt to work around the problem of reading plans not synchronizing, I deleted my reading plans from my Mac a few weeks ago and removed the Logos app from my iPad. The two have been synchronized several times since then.
I've just reinstalled the app on my iPad. As soon as I sync'd the two today, the old reading plans reappear on the iPad although long since deleted from the Mac!
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Janis -
The sync feature is broken. Until 4.5 is released with the more robust sync v2, there will continue to be problems between the desktop and mobile apps.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Thank you!
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While I don't have an answer to the sync problem I figured out a "workaround".
1) From the Logos homepage on my Mac, I click on the "edit" button under "Read the Bible in a Year".
2) A calender opens which will allow you to download the reading plan to iCal (Apple's calender).
3) Sync my iPad and iPhone to my Mac and I have the reading plan on all my devices, although I have to manually go to the chapter/verse in Logos.
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I have uninstalled the app. Since I use it mostly to do my daily Bible reading and look-ups during Sunday services I will wait until the sync issue is fixed. I tried using it today and it created 12 copies of "Read the Bible in a Year" on my desktop app. That is the default plan which was not on my desktop and not one I use. Until it is fixed I will just use my desktop app and carry my good ole paper Bible with me to church. :-)
In the end I may just sell the iPad. I bought it for Logos but I find my concentration is better sitting at my desk with my laptop anyway. The only other thing I use daily in the iPad are my calendar app and Kindle reader. I have a Kindle reader on my laptop and I can find a calendar I like for that, too! If I keep it, it will be because the display is very nice for reading my Kindle books and much better than a laptop screen. If I sell it I might have to invest in a new Kindle since my daughter has my old one!
"But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry." 2 Timothy 4:5 (NASB)
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I agree with the thoughts being expressed...I have used Logos on my iphone for devotional reading and was enjoying it until the recent set of issues. This is a significant issue to me as I do primarily use Logos on my iPhone / iPad. For now I am using another app for devotional reading as Logos is not working. I'm also using another app for prayer as the prayer functionality is not in the iPhone and iPad apps.
Logos is great software, pretty expensive and frustratingly disappointing in how they have managed the mobile devices. The mobile apps are so limited right now that it is disheartening that they are now unable to sync. I know things are in beta, but Logos, please give us a workaround until you get this figured out...
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Just to put in a good word for Logos ...
Since my reading plan appeared on my iPhone three weeks ago, it has worked well. The only hiccup I have had was when I was out of the country for three days and had data roaming turned off. When I returned, it created a duplicate plan on my desktop. However the two have been staying in sync with updates to the desktop (I do most of my reading on the phone) happening pretty quickly. And I must say that, now that it is working, I am very happy with this app. (I'd like to see prayer lists duplicating to the phone as well, though [:)] )
I realise from other comments made on this forum that the sync part of the app needs some serious work but thought it worth mentioning that there are users like me for whom things are working well at present. (Being somewhat superstitious I wonder whether it will stop working as soon as I post this message but I hope not. After all, God is sovereign even over things like this!)
For the folk at Logos - I look forward to future improvements to this app and to it being of the same excellent standard as the desktop.
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After a long time of reading plans not being synced between my PC and Ipad it has started working again - which I appreciate!
Interested to know if anything has changed in the Logos environment to enable this or if it is just one of those things
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Hi LOGOS!Is there a command that we can plug into the iPhone LOGOS app that will enable us to force the iPhone app to sync with the LOGOS server? For some reason - when the LOGOS iPhone app apears to be syncing with the LOGOS server it does not update the reading plan to the most-up-to-date schedule. If there isn't a command, LOGOS should program a command in the next iPhone app release so we can plug in the command and force the iPhone app to sync with the LOGOS server. If we can enter a command to force a sync between the iPhone app and the LOGOS server it might solve the reading plan dilemma we all have.
Moises Rivera
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Moises -
Check the other two threads.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Here is the what I suspected regarding this issue and I later discovered I was correct. I made saved "favorites" to my iPhone LOGOS app and when I checked my iPod Touch LOGOS app it had the "favorites" I had saved on my iPhone LOGOS app. I also created a new reading plan on my iPhone app and I found whatever days I marked as read had then updated on my iPod Touch! Problem is officially understood.
The LOGOS server for the iPhone app is not being updated by the LOGOS server for the PCs. The issue is not with the iPhone app. The LOGOS technical guys responsible for the LOGOS servers have to make sure that the two servers (app server and PC server) are able to communicate with each other so the reading plan can update in real-time. This is why the iPhone LOGOS app is not getting the updates made by the LOGOS software installed on our PCs. There is a break in real-time communication between the app server and PC server.
If you have an iPod Touch and a iPhone you WILL be able to confirm this too. If you make any changes on your iPhone LOGOS app (i.e. create favorites and/or mark certain days in reading plan as read on your iPhone), it will immediately show up on your iPod Touch LOGOS app.
-Moises Rivera-
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I don't remember this being an experimental feature or one that was waiting on some upgrade. And do we even have reassurance that this update will actually address the reading plan issue?
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Jason - it was not "experimental" but just didn't work as well as desired. Logos is working on a more robust sync infrastructure which should resolve these issues as well as bring notes & highlighting. The only reassurance you have is that Logos has said it is working on it. Since the software is not finished yet, no one can give you any more than that.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
I am currently signed up with the Logos beta program. I notice that sync 2 is part of the 4.5 Beta 1 ( release. Since this update loaded, my iPhone has only synced to the desktop once - it was actually better before the update. Is this because I will need an update to the iPhone app (currently version 1.81.)? Is there a beta program for iPhone too? If so, how do I get on it?
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It appears to me it is more like 45-90 days.
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Wow, getting a little heated!
I understand I am frustrated as well, two years of not syncing properly (for me). I agree logos is a powerful bible software, I find I am not using it as much and using other bible software to have my reading plans synced, to me that is baisic 101! So what use is all that power?
All I seem to get from the forums is no real answer on this issue and all I get from logos is "wait" and "sorry", granted, very professionally & heartfelt - but in the end, forced to go to other software apps that actually work! The only real solution is to use other software.
Does anyone know iff u can sell your logos bundle to someone else once yours is paid , because I regret buying it and regret putting my trust in the sales person I saw at our church two years ago and all promising of how it integrates with iPad and iPhone. I have a buddy who was able to sell his, but he was onpayments, so someone else took over the payments, smart move I think.
So although I get the defensiveness of. The logos guy, I feel we as users have been more thanpa
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Sould read, we users have been more than patient!
Could not scroll my cursor down far enough to correct, another frustrating thing with Logos and the forum, however I digress and am adding to my anger and frustration of logos, going to go calm down, go exercise, and read my bible (via software that syncs my reading plan)!
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Lol, looks like my above two posts got posted to the wrong thread. Oh my, is there more going on than syncing issues?
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Wow, getting a little heated!
I understand I am frustrated as well, two years of not syncing properly (for me). I agree logos is a powerful bible software, I find I am not using it as much and using other bible software to have my reading plans synced, to me that is baisic 101! So what use is all that power?
All I seem to get from the forums is no real answer on this issue and all I get from logos is "wait" and "sorry", granted, very professionally & heartfelt - but in the end, forced to go to other software apps that actually work! The only real solution is to use other software.
Does anyone know iff u can sell your logos bundle to someone else once yours is paid , because I regret buying it and regret putting my trust in the sales person I saw at our church two years ago and all promising of how it integrates with iPad and iPhone. I have a buddy who was able to sell his, but he was onpayments, so someone else took over the payments, smart move I think.
So although I get the defensiveness of. The logos guy, I feel we as users have been more thanpa
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Wow, getting a little heated!
I understand I am frustrated as well, two years of not syncing properly (for me). I agree logos is a powerful bible software, I find I am not using it as much and using other bible software to have my reading plans synced, to me that is baisic 101! So what use is all that power?
All I seem to get from the forums is no real answer on this issue and all I get from logos is "wait" and "sorry", granted, very professionally & heartfelt - but in the end, forced to go to other software apps that actually work! The only real solution is to use other software.
Does anyone know if u can sell your logos bundle to someone else once yours is paid for, because I regret buying it and regret putting my trust in the sales person I saw at our church two years ago and all promises of how it integrates with iPad and iPhone. I have a buddy who was able to sell his, but he was on payments, so someone else took over the payments, smart move I think.
So although I get the defensiveness of the logos guy, I feel we as users have been more than patient! And the invitation from them to use other software, wow that says something does it not?
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Wow, getting a little heated!
I understand I am frustrated as well, two years of not syncing properly (for me). I agree logos is a powerful bible software, I find I am not using it as much and using other bible software to have my reading plans synced, to me that is baisic 101! So what use is all that power?
All I seem to get from the forums is no real answer on this issue and all I get from logos is "wait" and "sorry", granted, very professionally & heartfelt - but in the end, forced to go to other software apps that actually work! The only real solution is to use other software.
Does anyone know if you can sell your logos bundle to someone else once yours is paid, because I regret buying it and regret putting my trust in the sales person I saw at our church two years ago and all promises of how it integrates with iPad and iPhone. I have a buddy who was able to sell his, but he was on payments, so someone else took over the payments, smart move I think.
So although I get the defensiveness of alabama guy, I feel we as users have been more than patient.
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wow, keeps posting to your reply., sorry about that was trying to reply to a alabama reply. oh wierd.
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iCurteye - Yes, you can sell your license, but there is a small transfer fee that Logos charges. You are not, however, allowed to advertise on the forums.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
So, correction alert - I have only had Logos for just over a year. So not being able to sync for 2 years is in correct, it has only been just over a year. I know this does not make me more patient and pretty sure it does not make me less patient!
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Ty for reply. I will look into that more. Selling would help me put money into a system that works, but selling means more than likely selling to someone I know. I am not sure if I can do that (selling a product that does not work as advertised as promised). The funny thing is, other sales people have done exactly that, in this company and many others! Do I join those ranks? Huh? I didn't think tit would be this hard a decision.
Again, thanks for the reply, not sure what I will do, but that's not your issue.
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So there are concrete solutions to all users who are frustrated, here are some:
-sell your licens, move on from logos
-wait for the elusive update
-do nothing and just move on to other software
Whatever your decision, it will cost you money, do not forget about app feedback, give it a bad rating if that is how you feel. Probably will not do much good, but it just might prevent a new user from spending their cash on the system thinking the free app will work!
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Oh well, wish I knew it was going to break before I got months into a reading plan. I got way too excited about that feature...
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Jason - You can still complete your reading plan on your computer.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Add a note to either Notes or the iCalendar (on the iPad) of what you've read or need to read using that device. Simple / interim fix / manual labor / clunky - yes...but it at least helps me keep track on the iPad until the problem is fixed and until I'm able to rely on the iPad and Mac talking to each other again.
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Of course, but that's less than exciting. Sitting on the front porch with my iMac and a cup of coffee!
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I do admire your dedication with that workaround!
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OK, I am going to weigh in (again) and am trying for straight talking and not godlessly snarky...just saying.
Logos, as a user this whole thing is pretty hard to understand or accept. I am flabbergasted (great word) that this has not been resolved and that we continue to get the line that "it's coming some day". I can't fathom that Logos has not provided any type of work around for iPad and iPhone users. To add insult to injury, the ability to use my iPad was what prompted me to drop additional cash to upgrade to the new version of Logos.
Your product is great but very expensive and I have a lot invested in it. It makes no sense that you can't get this working now or at least provide a reasonable work around for iPad / iPhone users. I have been driven to using YouVersion which is free and accessible on multiple platforms to track my daily reading plan. Not a bad solution but quite honestly really bugs me that I have $600+ sunk into Logos and its not able to do something as basic as track a reading plan on my iPad.
I get that syncing apparently is a bit of a moon shot right now, but honestly I would settle for being able to set-up a reading plan on my iPad and not have it sync if that was an option. Unfortunately the way the app is written I can't even do that unless I use the default start at Genesis and go from there plan that incessantly pops up on my iPad.
Could someone at Logos PLEASE either give a date when the iPad/iPhone app syncing issue will be fixed? Or do a quick and dirty app mod so we can have some control over our reading plans? Please throw us a bone beyond "It's coming".
Thanks in advance!
- Brad
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To Brad Mortensen,
From one Brad to another: I agree 100%. My situation is the same as yours except I have over $1700 invested in Logos. The ONLY reason I upgraded to Logos 4 was to be able to use the software on my iPhone. When I got an iPad it was going to be a joy using the power of Logos everywhere. But that was then and this is now.
I concur that at the very least, the programmers could disable the reading plan sync until they get it right and then install an in-app feature for a simple reading plan.
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On the Logos homepage on my Mac,
there is the ability to download the daily reading plan to my calendar.
While it doesn't link to the text, it will allow me to continue on
schedule with the one year reading plan. I'll also have it on my iPhone
and iPad, so it will be more readily accessible throughout the day.Open Logos
Reading Plan
Add: Bible, Passages, Start Date, Finish Date
Export to iCal. The plan will appear on your iPhone, iPad calender.
Hope that helps someone!
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I am a bit confused about what is happening with reading plans ... maybe you'd like to comment on this Alabama?
I am using logos (beta update stream) on a windows 7 (x64) system. I am currently on 4.5 Beta 5 ( on my desktop which, according to the release notes, contains sync 2 - the panacea to all our syncing ills [:)]. I also have an iPhone 4 (using Logos app v 1.8.2) on which I do most of my daily Bible readings. I am currently working off a plan to read OT | NT | Pss | Prov from the ESV six days a week. This reading plan syncs well with my desktop - within an hour or so. (I am on iteration 3 of this plan - but have not had any hiccups resulting in the creation of a new plan for 1 and a half months now.)
Recently I noticed that Logos appeared to have sorted out the licencing issues with NIV and that these were also available on my iPhone (any update on NA27 yet?). I noticed this because last year's reading plan "NIV 2010" suddenly showed up on my iPhone. The strange thing is that I had deleted this plan from my desktop 2-3 months back - which seems to indicate that the sync profile from which the iPhone gets its data had not been updated for some time?
Seeing that I now had the 2011 update to the NIV on my iPhone (I'd previously been reading this for devotions on my desktop), I created a new reading plan for that Bible version to see if it would sync to the iPhone. As yet (2-3 weeks down the track), this plan has yet to show on my iPhone. The NIV 2010 plan was still showing until this morning when I deleted it.
Some questions for Alabama ...
- Should sync 2 be functioning now (since it is included in the beta desktop release) or is this awaiting an update to the iPhone app? (Is there a beta channel for the iPhone too?)
- Why does my ESV plan work well yet sync is not picking up my reading plan for the 2011 NIV? (Though I have this resource available on my iPhone.)
- Do you know when NA27 and associated resources like Metzger's textual commentary will be available on the iPhone?