Copy Bible Verses keyboard shortcut in MS Office for Mac 2008?

Richard Wardman
Richard Wardman Member Posts: 1,359 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

The release notes for 4.2a report the ability to summon CBV in a floating window from within other applications.  

  • Shift-Command-J = to open CBV in a floating window from any app that uses the Services menu, such as TextEdit, Pages, Chrome, etc.

As yet I haven't been able to successfully summon the floating window in MS Word for Mac 2008, despite having followed the instructions in the release notes...  


  • Added two system level Services menu items: “Copy Bible Verses” [Shift-Cmd-J] and “Expand Bible Reference” [Shift-Cmd-E].
    • “Copy Bible Verses” opens CBV in a floating window from applications that interact with the Services menu (e.g., Pages, TextEdit, Chrome, etc.).
    • “Expand Bible Reference” replaces a reference typed into one of these applications with the text of the passage. Select the reference first, and then press Shift-Cmd-E or choose from Services menu.
    • To display the menu items on the Services menu and enable the keyboard shortcuts, click on any application’s main menu and choose Services. Click on Services Preferences, click on Keyboard Shortcuts at the top of the Keyboard dialog, select Services on the left, and select the two services under the Text heading.



Does the 'etc.' include MS Office for Mac 2008?  Anyone else had success with this?
