Bug: Layout problem with vertical bars in Column view (4.2a SR-2)

Open The Contemplative Pastor by Eugene Peterson in a floating window
Set it to 2 column view and scroll to the top
Resize the window so that exactly two pages from the print book show side-by-side, but make the vertical height a bit too short so that this much wraps to the second page:
Now resize the height enough so that the entire first page of the print book (with the CTi and Word logos at the bottom) fits in column 1:
Now carefully resize the height to just in between the previous two heights. Notice that the vertical bar overlaps some of the text (click to see full size):
(You don't have to do the first two resizing steps to reproduce this; I was just demonstrating the boundaries around which this bug shows up.)
I can duplicate this if I resize just right where CTI logo is at bottom of left column and Word Books logo is at top of right column. I'll submit report.