Scrolling: Reverse Interlinear Bible, which can be very slow at times

Follow-up Beta testing to forum discussion

Verified AppleDisplayScaleFactor set to 1.0

Opened ESV in a New Tab with default font size, then went to Exodus.  Pressed arrow key to scroll Down until Exodus 10 appeared, counted 9 hesitations.  Pressed arrow key to scroll Up until EXODUS appeared, counted 8 hesitations (beginning of chapters).


Then displayed Reverse Interlinear pane:


Pressed arrow key to scroll Down until Exodus 10 appeared, counted 9 hesitations.  Pressed arrow key to scroll Up until EXODUS appeared, counted 10 hesitations (beginning of chapters).  Essentially same scrolling.

Turned off Reverse Interlinear pane and changed Font Scaling:


Pressed arrow key to scroll Down until Exodus 10 appeared, counted 8 hesitations.  Pressed arrow key to scroll Up until EXODUS appeared, counted 10 hesitations (beginning of chapters).

Displayed Reverse Interlinear pane and repeated: Pressed arrow key to scroll Down until Exodus 10 appeared, counted 11 hesitations.  Pressed arrow key to scroll Up until eyes blinked in Exodus 8 so let go, and pressed down arrow to return to Exodus 10; lots of hesitation.  Used resource locator to reset to EXODUS, then pressed down arrow: through Chapter 8, hesitated once per chapter, followed by Chapter 9 updating Reverse Interlinear every verse so total hesitations scrolling down was 58.  Pressing Up arrow updated Reverse Interlinear pane for many verses in Chapters 6 through 3 so total hesitations was 136.  Also had many Mac OS X spinning beach ball cursors.  After stopped scrolling at EXODUS, noticed sync arrows spinning for awhile.

Turned off Reverse Interlinear and turned on Inline display:


Displayed Reverse Interlinear pane and repeated: Pressed arrow key to scroll Down until Exodus 10 appeared, counted 10 longer hesitations; scrolling was "choppy" compared to previous scrolling.  Scrolling up was bit less "choppy" with longer hesitations for chapter numbers.

Returned to normal font size, then scrolled down 3 chapters, then up 2 chapters, kept repeating until Exodus 10:1 (with some hesitations, better than inline "chop").  Turned on Reverse Interlinear:


Started scrolling up 2 chapters, then down 1 chapter (e.g. up to 8:1, then down to 9:1, changing direction to Up caused Mac OS X spinning beach ball cursor).  Up to 7:1 was normal, reversing direction was awful; CPU usage went to 101% with many hesitations to scroll to 8:1.  Before next up & down iteration, opened History, cleared all entries, and closed History.  Waited for sync to complete (several minutes with 58 % CPU, then triangle error, clicked to manually sync, quick).  Sampled process during sync.  Scrolling up to 6:1 was normal, but reversing direction to down now hesitated seconds per line; at 7:1, reversed direction again, which kept seconds per line hesitation going up to 6:1.  Also noticing real memory usage increasing.  With one resource open, now have 795.0 MB real memory used.  Scroll up to 4:1 was normal, but quick reverse down received 100 % CPU through most of Chapters 4 and 5 along with real memory usage increase to 838.3 MB.  Also, Logos4.log file showed "ErrorTypeCheck: CGSDispatchDatagramsFromStream : Bad datagram type 12" messages.  Scroll up to Exodus 4:1 was normal, reverse to scroll down had 100 % CPU and watched real memory usage grow to 990.0 MB until middle of chapter 9.  Scroll up to EXODUS had more 100 % CPU and real memory usage grew to 1.0 GB.

Attached file has Indexer.log (incremental done before started scroll testing), Logos4.log file (scrolling ESV down and up in Exodus), and process sample when sync arrows spinning.

Appears changing direction while scrolling in a Bible may be slow (especially with Reverse Interlinear pane).

Keep Smiling [:)]


  • For grins, tried same scrolling tests using Logos 4.3 Beta 2 ( on a 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo P8400 laptop (assembled in 2008 so bit newer than 2007 iMac with 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo).  With Reverse Interlinear pane, noticed changing directions from Up to Down caused pane at bottom to refresh (noticeable hesitation).  Seems PC memory management is better, Working Set (Memory) could increase to 400 K, then jump down to 330 K.  Scrolling up through many chapters had short pause at chapter numbers, which is OK.  While scrolling with lots of reversing directions, noticed 72 % CPU usage.

    Inline display scrolling was "choppy" like Mac.  Increasing Font scaling improved scrolling speed and reduced "choppiness".

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Using Logos Bible Software 4.3 Beta 3 ( on Mac OS X 10.6.7, opened Logos 4 Mac to Blank Layout, opened ESV in a new tab, Exodus, clicked Reverse Interlinear button, then displayed all 7 lines, pressed down arrow until Exodus 13:1 appeared, pressed up arrow until Exodus appeared for location.  For several chapters scrolling down was good, then CPU went to 100 % with "choppy" scrolling.  For scrolling 12 chapters down and up, real memory usage went from 193 MB to 626 MB.  Pressing down arrow until Exodus 13:3 appeared, could leisurely read most verses while waiting for scrolling; also noted real memory usage increase to 886 MB.  Pressing up arrow until Exodus reappeared, had three chapters scroll nice, but most lines were seconds per line to scroll plus real memory usage climbed to 1.04 GB.  Pressing down arrow until Exodus 13:1 appeared was quite slow, with many spinning beach ball cursors; real memory usage increased to 1.31 GB along with activity monitor showing 38 recent hangs.  Pressing up arrow scrolled nice for three chapters.  After 1.5 hours of CPU time (with 1.37 GB real memory usage), time to do something else (did not crash).  After releasing up arrow, had many scrolling jerks (minutes later).

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • David Knoll
    David Knoll Member Posts: 912 ✭✭✭

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Keep Smiling Smile

    After all this I fail to see how you are able to...

  • " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Keep Smiling Smile

    After all this I fail to see how you are able to...

    Paul commanded in Phil 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always", a good reason to Keep Smiling [:)]

    From past experience with many Logos 4 Mac crash issues being fixed, have hope for future Bible scrolling fix.

    For development, having a repeatable test case for a performance issue is valuable.

    Scrolling down and up for 12 Bible Chapters should be smooth and not exhibit current memory leakage; quite possibly fixing Bible scrolling could improve Logos 4 Mac performance in other areas, more reason to Smile.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Melissa Snyder
    Melissa Snyder Member Posts: 4,702 ✭✭✭

    We'll look into the scrolling issue. Thank you.

  • Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :)
    Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) MVP Posts: 23,148

    We'll look into the scrolling issue. Thank you.

    One more Logos user observation about scrolling degradation => Bug: Logos 4 Mac 4.2a SR-5 hang and force quit

    Also, scrolling with wheel mouse to check Reading Plan display in ESV => 4.3 Beta 3 Intermittent Reading Plan issue after Read Aloud + File menu pop-up blocker was sluggish, much like another user experienced => Results from comparing scrolling in various resources/files (plus an extremely slow startup

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • We'll look into the scrolling issue. Thank you.

    Using Logos Bible Software 4.3 Beta 7 ( on 2.93 GHz Quad Core i7 running Mac OS X 10.6.7, scrolling Reverse Interlinear is much improved. [8-|]

    Opened Logos 4 Mac to Home Page, opened ESV in a new tab, Exodus, clicked Reverse Interlinear button, then displayed all 7 lines, pressed down arrow until Exodus 13:1 appeared, pressed up arrow until Exodus appeared for location.  While scrolling up, had momentary pauses at Chapter breaks (personally like, have short time option to stop scrolling).  While scrolling noted memory usage stayed nearly constant (appears memory leakage disappeared).

    Was able to replicate slow scrolling in both directions: hold down arrow to change location, release arrow, before reverse interlinear update completes, hold down arrow key => jerky scroll as reverse interlinear location jumps, not complete, before location changes again.  If let go of arrow key, eventually reverse interlinear catches up (can take awhile).  Once display stable, can press arrow key for smooth scrolling.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Appears Logos 4.5 Beta 11 has scrolling regression.  While scrolling down using an arrow key, briefly let up, then pressed down again.  The Reverse Interlinear pane starting refreshing a lot, with stuttering scrolls.

    Using a magic mouse to scroll with fingers can be jumpy; each finger swipe does scroll several screens of text.  Request to scroll can queue up; strange to have stopped moving fingers to watch screen scrolling a minute later (a dozen quick swipes down followed by a dozen swipes up is goofy to watch).

    While scrolling ESV with Reverse Interlinear pane on, noticing memory usage increasing.  With magic mouse, easy to swipe up three times, then swipe down three times, repeat few times, then watch jumpy scrolling on screen plus memory use increase.  In 10 minutes, had Logos 4 Mac memory usage up to 848 MB.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

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