Logos for Android Beta 1
Have you tried tapping the screen, the typing in the phrase you want to search for, and pressing the little arrow to the left of the text box?
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it appears that the little arrow is the "back" button.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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installed beta 1 on Acer Iconia tablet honeycomb 3.1(android) today. first impression is very good! only fault is some letters missing in book finder drop down.
I really like this app and almost all of my library is available.
Thanks for all the work so far!!
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I've installed on a Droid Incredible, android 2.2. without problems. The app was worked well.
I can also reproduce the Philemon crash by navigating to it via the TOC.
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A couple notes:
I used my Logos app in church today!
Issue #1: One thing I noticed as read some scriptures, the screen saver would turn on after a short while and my screen would lock. So to keep reading I would have to unlock my screen.
Issue #2: Just now I got a "Logos Update Available" notification in my notification area. I clicked it to install the logos updated but it raised an error "There is a problem parsing the package."
Edit #1: This occurred on HTC Droid Incredible (Android 2.2)
Edit #2: For issue #2 above, I got error when trying to upgrade Logos from the notification, but my Droid was plugged into my computer via USB, with "Charge Only" turned on, and USB Debugging turned on. After unplugging the phone from my computer, the update worked... I realize now that this may not be specific to the Logos app.
Thanks guys!
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I just installed the app on my rooted nook touch (Android 2.1) with no problems. Opened a few Bibles and books and no problems except what has already been noted. I am going to love having logos on an e-ink screen. Thanks for releasing this beta.
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Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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just downloaded a few books and a couple have got stuck on downloading and i can’t stop the download loop can anyone help me
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peter greene said:
just downloaded a few books and a couple have got stuck on downloading and i can’t stop the download loop can anyone help me
Temporary possible fix: This happened to me because of a bad data signal. I restarted my phone and then shortly got a message saying, error downloading. I was then able to move to wifi and try again successfully.
I think an option to cancel the download, mid-download, would be helpful, like you can do with applications and others. This would be a more permanent solution to solve this problem when it occurs.
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You can also do this:
go to your download manager and kill it.
Settings>applications>download manager or whatever it's called>force close OR force close AND delete cache.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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I'm sorry, but I don't see this for the life of me. I too, only see my library. When I click the SETTINGS button, it only brings up UPDATE and HISTORY. No option for anything else. If there is more to this, please explain. I feel silly, because I'm a computer guy ;-), and I have a rooted phone with Macnut R14 on it.
If I am missing something, please advise. I desperately want to use this.
I finally discovered that there is more to just scrolling through the library when you launch the app. (tap the center of the screen after having opened up an app from the Library and you'll see that you can do more ;-)
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Roberst suggestion should work, I just forced the problem and tried this method and it is a much better solution than mine. But it probably will work best on android 2.2 and up.
Click the settings/options buttion when you are on your homescreen >>> click settings >>> Applications >>> All applications tab >>> download manager
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I was hoping that someone from Logos could tell me if eventually all the books in our Logos libraries will be avaliable or will some be left out. I know that not all resources are available on mobile devices due to license restrictions from the publishers but will there be a list available of those unavailable. It can be a little frustrating when you get a few books for example I can download four volumes of Jimmy Swaggart Bible commentary's but no more are available at the moment. In this case have the publishers said this is it on mobile devices?
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You'd probably be better off starting a new thread i this forum, rather than buried a the end of this old thread....it would get more attention that way.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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The app. downloaded with no problem on my G Slate. But the jump link to cross references did not display at all. Thank you for the great work so far.
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How does one get the navigation bar on the samsung charge ..I get all the books but if I open eg. NASB - there is no easy navigation bar to find books - it opens but doesnt give me option window to go to another book...
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Is it standard for pages to move from side to side instead of easy scrolling up and down through the passage