Barclay's Daily Study Bible

Mike Childs
Mike Childs Member Posts: 3,134 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Is Barclay's DBS on the iPhone yet?

"In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley



  • Dan Francis
    Dan Francis Member Posts: 5,341 ✭✭✭

    Now the real question is can we get Logos to get the rights again to the Daily Study Bible Old testament companion series. Since it was in Libronix 3.0 format there should be little work in upgrading it. 



  • Mike Childs
    Mike Childs Member Posts: 3,134 ✭✭✭

    Now the real question is can we get Logos to get the rights again to the Daily Study Bible Old testament companion series. Since it was in Libronix 3.0 format

    Yes, I agree that would be great.  However, I have the DSB New Testament from Libronix 3.0, and I wish they would make that available on iPhone / iPad.  Since I already had Barclay's NT commentaries, I could not justify the cost of the upgrade.

    I guess I will just have to convert them to .pdf and read them in ibooks.



    "In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    Michael - 

    Do your DSB NT show up on I am relatively new to Logos, but it would seem to me that if you own this resource, and if it is available already for iOS, that you should be able to access them. Why would you bother to convert them? Perhaps you need to contact Logos?

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Dan Francis
    Dan Francis Member Posts: 5,341 ✭✭✭

    Yes, I agree that would be great.  However, I have the DSB New Testament from Libronix 3.0, and I wish they would make that available on iPhone / iPad.  Since I already had Barclay's NT commentaries, I could not justify the cost of the upgrade.


    I suspect that is WJKP doing to get people to buy the new upgraded version, but to my knowledge there is no plans to upgrade the OT series so would make sense for them to make it available for sale now...



  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    I think I see what you were saying. The link I had was to a new product. Gotcha. My bad.


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  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    Since I already had Barclay's NT commentaries, I could not justify the cost of the upgrade.

    When you say "upgrade," do you refer to the $200? Is there an upgrade price since you own the old works?

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  • Dan Francis
    Dan Francis Member Posts: 5,341 ✭✭✭

    alabama24 said:

    Michael - 

    Do your DSB NT show up on I am relatively new to Logos, but it would seem to me that if you own this resource, and if it is available already for iOS, that you should be able to access them. Perhaps you need to contact Logos?

    Won't do any good WJKP and Logos consider the New Daily Bible Series a completely new work, but rather than comparing it RSV to NRSV, I would say more NASB 1977 vs NASB1995.. perhaps it is more in the centre and NIV84 compared to 2011 version. So while many of us owned the 1975 revision, we didn't get any break on the price of the current revision.




  • Mike Childs
    Mike Childs Member Posts: 3,134 ✭✭✭

    The difference in no way justifies the cost to me. I think you will see more works treating updates as new works in the future.
    That is why I will convert them to PDF for iPad.

    "In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley

  • Bev N
    Bev N Member Posts: 243 ✭✭

    Thank you for posting this on the Forum. I too could not find my previous purchase of DSB by Willaim Barclay on or on my iPad. 

    This is making me rethink buying anymore books. I do use Logos on the computer, and my iPad2 but if I have to continually re-buy basically the same books over and over again in the years to come, I too cannot cost justify it. I am wondering how many logos books I already own that will not be available on the iPad2 and I will need to re-buy them again. 

    I understand licenses expire but I had hope it would be longer time frame.


    HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    Bev N said:

     Thank you for posting this on the Forum. I too could not find my previous purchase of DSB by Willaim Barclay on or on my iPad. 

    This is making me rethink buying anymore books. I do use Logos on the computer, and my iPad2 but if I have to continually re-buy basically the same books over and over again in the years to come, I too cannot cost justify it. I am wondering how many logos books I already own that will not be available on the iPad2 and I will need to re-buy them again.   I understand licenses expire but I had hope it would be longer time frame.

    Hi Bev,

    Once you have a license for a product in Logos, it never expires. If you have Barclay's Daily Study Bible in Libronix, you are still entitled to that product. It may appear that you are losing some access to the resource when you are not. You just aren't gaining it here like you have become accustomed to with other resources. Bob Pritchett has attempted to recast the perception of resource licensing across mobile devices. Old School thoughyt were, you paid for every copy on every device you read it on.The license was negotiated before there were any iPads, Androids, cloud syncing or all that new stuff we take for granted.  Most copyright holders have been very understanding and have no problem expanding accessibility of their licensed works into these mobile devices. A few rights holders refuse to allow Logos to do that.

    In the case of the Barclay's Daily Study Bible, the new copyright holder wanted the content removed from the public's use altogether. I do not know why. Rumors are it had to do with doctrinal disagreement rather than money. The New Daily Study Bible is a new work. I wish I could have both in my library. I had the original in my old version of Scholar Silver but instead of upgrading the license to Scholar Gold through the website, I sold my license, including the DSB and purchased Scholar Gold from another individual, not realizing I was forfeiting my grandfathered-in DSB. 

    The only real danger we have concerning licensing of our Logos resources is the continuity of the resource library. That is; if Logos becomes totally cloud-based and the old licenses are deemed not to cover that new technology the copyright holders could demand new fees to access the content on new platforms. This is not singular to Logos. Zondervan charged us a "cross-grade" fee to move previously purchased content from Pradis format to Logos format. If you ask Accordance to give you content you already bought in Logos format, they inform you that you must pay fees again to the same publishers you already paid to have in Logos. If you pay for a monthly parking garage spot, they issue a sticker to apply to your car. If you buy a new car, you may have to buy a new sticker. The parking garage is not refusing the service you paid for and it isn't their fault you bought a new vehicle. The publishing companies can charge you over and over without a tinge of conscience. [6] If they had their way, we would pay again for every song we hear on the radio.

    So, as long as you own a computer that runs Libronix or Logos 4, you have a license for the original Barclay Daily Study Bible.   Just remember you will have to maintain two or more Bible software programs to access the widening gap of resources. That was the one thing most of us found appealing about switching to Logos, it was for the continuity.


    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    Bev N said:

    Thank you for posting this on the Forum. I too could not find my previous purchase of DSB by Willaim Barclay on or on my iPad. 

    This is making me rethink buying anymore books. I do use Logos on the computer, and my iPad2 but if I have to continually re-buy basically the same books over and over again in the years to come, I too cannot cost justify it. I am wondering how many logos books I already own that will not be available on the iPad2 and I will need to re-buy them again. 

    I understand licenses expire but I had hope it would be longer time frame.

    Bev - I think you have misunderstood this thread. If you purchased the old DSB by Barclay, it is still available to you, it is just not "mobile enabled." This is because the publisher won't allow it. There is a brand new work (a revision of the work by Barclay) which is available for purchase and is mobile enabled.

    Again, this is not an issue of a "license expiring," rather one of the current license you own isn't mobile enabled due to publisher's restrictions. If you were to purchase the resource linked to above, you would be purchasing a brand new resource, albeit one based upon one you already have.

    If a resource isn't available on your mobile device, it is generally at the publisher's request. It is the philosophy of Logos to grant you access to your resources anywhere, anytime.

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  • Bev N
    Bev N Member Posts: 243 ✭✭

    Yes, I understand what the thread is about. It is just that technology is changing so rapidly from when Logos first came out with the Blue KJV box that it does become costly to keep up with it (software, hardware, devices, etc) all. Not many people had home computers or knew what a computer was about back in the Logos early days. Let alone what is Logos!  Now there are screams if we had to actually read a book and carry it & the weight of it around with us. I'm not bashing technology...people are reading who were not avid readers before. People are studying the Bible who were not even able to access one in their country. 

    Technology works like magic on an iPad, Tablet or PC, but the many, many hours of work that go into making that magic happen is all behind the scenes and easy for the user to take for granted. 

    My paperback DBS is on the bookshelf and will be there to regardless of technology. But I guarantee my iPad 2 will be open & on to read a colossal of eBooks and find/search what I need in a flash before I could even open the cover of one book of DBS. 



    HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3

  • Dan Francis
    Dan Francis Member Posts: 5,341 ✭✭✭

    Looking at the sample pages the Westminster Bible Companion Series, looks very much like it might be a nice replacement for DBS, it seems very readable and full of application for daily living. It might be worth looking into for anyone who like myself, enjoys the DSB OT. Price seems reasonable and you have another work covering the whole Bible. Anyone have some of these volumes in there paper library???


  • Bev N
    Bev N Member Posts: 243 ✭✭

    The DSB appears on my iPad4, but do I understand correctly if I want the NEW DSB that has been updated I need to buy it? If Yes, then will both sets appear on my iPad4?

    HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    Bev N said:

    The DSB appears on my iPad4, but do I understand correctly if I want the NEW DSB that has been updated I need to buy it? If Yes, then will both sets appear on my iPad4?

    Yes, you would need to purchase it. When an update occurs to an existing resource, you should get the update for free… this isn't true for new editions of a resource, which is the case for the DSB. I don't have the new DSB, but assume it is mobile enabled. Did you check the resource page to see? As long as it is mobile enabled, yes, you would have BOTH editions on your mobile device, since both Logos and the publisher view them as separate resources. If you decided you wanted to get rid of the old version, you would need to hide them within L5… and this would be pushed to all installations, including mobile.

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  • Bev N
    Bev N Member Posts: 243 ✭✭

    What I don't understand is why Logos has no record of me owning the DBS. I wonder if this was a Pradis/Zondervan set that Logos took over. Regardless of that there s/be a record ownership in order for it to appear on my iPad4 and laptop.  

    A different question, alabama...I thought I could post a screen shot from my iPad? I tried to do a search for it, but nothing relevant showed up. I thought you had this info in a previous post. Thanks for your help alabama.

    HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    Bev N said:

    What I don't understand is why Logos has no record of me owning the DBS. I wonder if this was a Pradis/Zondervan set that Logos took over. Regardless of that there s/be a record ownership in order for it to appear on my iPad4 and laptop.  

    I'm confused. Is it showing up for you or no? If it is showing up, then Logos DOES have a record of you owning it... Why do you think they don't? Am I missing something?

    Bev N said:

    A different question, alabama...I thought I could post a screen shot from my iPad? I tried to do a search for it, but nothing relevant showed up. I thought you had this info in a previous post. Thanks for your help alabama.

    To post a screen shot from an iOS device:

    1. Press and hold both physical buttons for a couple of seconds. If you have audio, you will hear a camera shutter sound. 
    2. The screen shot will be in your iOS "photos" app. If you want it on your computer, use iCloud or email.
    3. You can navigate to the photo in the forums on your iOS device by using "choose existing."
    4. when uploading a photo, I will often constrain the photo to 300 pixels wide. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Bev N
    Bev N Member Posts: 243 ✭✭

    I know how to do 1. & 2. But where does 3. Appear when I have the Forum Reply To pop-up box open?

    thank you.

    HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3

  • Bev N
    Bev N Member Posts: 243 ✭✭

    I received email yesterday on Sale price for DSB so I started Chat with Logos To ask if I had to buy the NEW. The person checked & replied back there is no record of it then asked approximately when I bought it. I couldn't remember...I've bought too many books, sets, etc to remember what year it was. A few hours later when I got home there was a Voice Mail from Logos stating to phone them back & they would assist me that way.

    HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3

  • Bev N
    Bev N Member Posts: 243 ✭✭

    HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3

  • Bev N
    Bev N Member Posts: 243 ✭✭

    HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3

  • Bev N
    Bev N Member Posts: 243 ✭✭

    HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    Bev N said:

    The person checked & replied back there is no record of it then asked approximately when I bought it.

    If you didn't purchase it directly from Logos via the "cloud," they may not have a record of the purchase. Similarly, I have been picking up some of the older third-party cd-rom resources over the past couple of years when I come across them. Logos wouldn't have any record of those purchases... but the licenses are on my account.

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    Bev N said:

    Peace, Bev!                These are the "old" ones, even though it says revised ....     These are NOT the so-called new ones.

           I've had these for years and years and don't remember either exactly when I bought them ........  ...when I bought a big package years ago, I think ......

                            I would think that these -- the original digital ones(!) -- are the ones you want ..........            It was not Barclay -- but someone else(!) -- who revised the new ones -- the ones that "cleaned up" Barclay's old and very distinctive language ...

                                     These are the ones you could probably sell and make a "good return" on your money as I'm sure many would absolutely love to have these!        ..........           and buy them from you at great profit to you!                       *smile*

    Edit:    Take a look at the book covers.          The current ones have different covers than you do ....


    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • Bev N
    Bev N Member Posts: 243 ✭✭

    Yes, that's what I don't get...the "code" on the disc/dvd would have beeb entered in my account to have the license for it. 

    I've had Logos since it first came out...way before digital download so lots of mine were bought on discs. 

    HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3

  • Bev N
    Bev N Member Posts: 243 ✭✭

    Yes, MCM, I realize they are not the "NEW" DSB. 

    It's that I have DSB Barclay, but Logos has no record of it. Perhaps by now they have found it. The screen shot was to show that I do indeed have the set.

    HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3

  • Dan Francis
    Dan Francis Member Posts: 5,341 ✭✭✭

    Bev N said:

    Yes, MCM, I realize they are not the "NEW" DSB. 

    It's that I have DSB Barclay, but Logos has no record of it. Perhaps by now they have found it. The screen shot was to show that I do indeed have the set.

    I have been following this only slightly (so please be patient if I am contributing no helpful info)… but it seems obvious that your Logos account has the 1975 revised version, but please be aware that no upgrade path was ever in place for the New Daily Study Bible. If you want the NDSB purchase is your only option but till the end of the month Logos is offering it on sale.


  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,522

    Bev N said:

    Yes, that's what I don't get...the "code" on the disc/dvd would have beeb entered in my account to have the license for it.

    Bev N said:

    I've had Logos since it first came out...way before digital download so lots of mine were bought on discs.

    Bev - Since I am a Mac user, I am a more recent user of Logos than you. It is my understanding that at some point the Logos software began to sync the serial numbers (what you called the "code") with the Logos servers. In my case, I call Logos on the phone and read to them the serial numbers… in your case, the old software synced the licenses with Logos. Resource licenses added to your account by this method probably would not have corresponding purchase info… but I could be wrong. [:)]

    When I visit my Logos account page, I can see every purchase I made through Logos, but none of the resources I added via serial number show up.

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    Bev N said:

    Yes, MCM, I realize they are not the "NEW" DSB. 

    It's that I have DSB Barclay, but Logos has no record of it. Perhaps by now they have found it. The screen shot was to show that I do indeed have the set.

    Peace, Bev!                               Please forgive me if I'm belabouring the point.                My point -- which I should have made better, of course(!) -- is that Logos does indeed have a record of it in at least one respect ............          Logos is allowing you to use the DSB license that you've had for many a year now -- in other words ....      they recognise it!                     *smile*

                                      .......     same with my DSB   ....

    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........