Nook Color

I have Logos on my MacBook Pro and iPhone. Can I also put it on an Android tablet? I'm not asking if it is possible. Obviously it is. What I am asking is am I limited to Mac devices since I originally put it on my MacBook or can I also put it on a third device, which is an Android - Nook Color?
Steve Spurlin said:
I have Logos on my MacBook Pro and iPhone. Can I also put it on an Android tablet? I'm not asking if it is possible. Obviously it is. What I am asking is am I limited to Mac devices since I originally put it on my MacBook or can I also put it on a third device, which is an Android - Nook Color?
Yes, there is no relationship between the platform you are running the Desktop app on and the Mobile app.
You can run Logos on any number of devices that you own of whatever platform(s) you choose.
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Were you able to get it on the nook color? If so, how?
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Hi Debra,
I have Logos running on my Nook Color. I first rooted the device, turning it into a nearly fully functional Android tablet (I used CyanogenMod build 7.1.0 stable). Then I installed the Logos Android app from the Google Market. The only feature I really miss on the Android version is split-screen reading.
I hope this helps.