Books do not open

I have a WM8650 wiht Android 2.2.
I have installed logos, I can see the library and download books, but when I try to read a book the table close logos.
Do you have any ideas how can I solve this?
Hi Andre - and welcome to the forums
Some questions:
- What version of the Logos app are you using?
- Does this happen with all books or just some? If some, can you give an example?
- Does this happen with with books you have downloaded and books you are reading online?
- Do you get any error message when the app closes?
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I do not know the version, I downloaded it by market.
This happen with all books, downloaded and online
No message appears, it just come to the library page.
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I do not know the version, I downloaded it by market.
This happen with all books, downloaded and online
No message appears, it just come to the library page.
See this ->
Try Catlog first to help diagnose the problem.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Here is the log
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I also bought a cheap (99€) Chinese WM8650 Android 2.2 pad with 256MB RAM and I have the same problem. Everything works well in Logos except the most important part: reading books. When I open a book there's book name shown and busy circle spinning for ever (or then it spins for a short time and the screen goes blank and returns back to the library view). I can see the Bible texts in Passage guide cross references, but when I click the Bible link there's the same problem again. So it's just the reading view that doesn't work. I hope this could be fixed soon.
The same/similar problem is reorted earlier here:
I guess Vyrso uses the same engine so installing it wouldn't give any help.
Edit: The pad doesn't support Android Market, so I installed Logos using a direct link (if that matters?).
Faithlife Connect + several Base Packages + Luther's Works, etc.
Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 260, Win 10 Pro, Intel Core i7-6500U, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Intel HD Graphics 520.
iPhone 11.0 -
Mikko Paavola said:
Edit: The pad doesn't support Android Market, so I installed Logos using a direct link (if that matters?).
It might, but provide a log file as described by the link in my earlier post mentioning Catlog.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I finally got Catlog installation file (my pad doesn't support Android Market). Here's my log file.
Edit: I'm using version 0.9.3. May the new beta fix the problem?
Faithlife Connect + several Base Packages + Luther's Works, etc.
Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 260, Win 10 Pro, Intel Core i7-6500U, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Intel HD Graphics 520.
iPhone 11.0 -
Mikko Paavola said:
Edit: I'm using version 0.9.3. May the new beta fix the problem?
Give it a try. But does the problem occur with downloaded resources or only with Wifi/3G?
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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There are a few low-end devices, such as this one, that are not fully compatible with Logos apps.
We hope to be able to address that.
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The problem still exists in version 0.9.4. What kind of problem it is? Is the 256MB memory too less? I hope that would be fixed soon. I bought my device just for ebook reading (and a bit internet browsing), and Logos doesn't work in it.
The problem exists with both downloaded and online resources.
Faithlife Connect + several Base Packages + Luther's Works, etc.
Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 260, Win 10 Pro, Intel Core i7-6500U, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Intel HD Graphics 520.
iPhone 11.0 -
Mikko Paavola said:
The problem still exists in version 0.9.4. What kind of problem it is? Is the 256MB memory too less? I hope that would be fixed soon. I bought my device just for ebook reading (and a bit internet browsing), and Logos doesn't work in it.
The problem exists with both downloaded and online resources.
Hi Mikko,
As mentioned above there are low-end devices that Logos doesn't work with yet and I expect this is partly because of the speed of the hardware (processing and/or networking speed). Similarly, Logos running on older iPod and iPhone devices does not have all the functionality that newer devices do because the power of the hardware and newer iOS features (such as multi-threading). As Dave said, we hope to address this issue some time in the future and I apologize for the inconvenience.
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I have a rooted Nook Color that I had Logos working fine on, but recently it stopped working (even though I have not updated it recently, though I may have had auto-update enabled) and now does not open books - downloaded or on wifi, the symptoms are the same as described above. After selecting a book to open, regardless of whether it is downloaded, a blank page with a loading circle comes up (as if the book is opening), but after a few seconds it reverts back to the library view.
I have Vyrso installed, and it DOES work just fine. Downloads books and opens/reads online books as well just fine. I have a separate issue with one of the latest versions of Vyrso that adds a margin around the text of resources, but the library has no margin on the edges of the screen. This is frustrating because it removes real-estate for text, but it's a separate issue than the one mentioned above.
I just re-flashed my NC firmware and reinstalled the latest version of Logos, and still the same problem exists with opening resources. Vyrso continues to work fine with the latest version, though with the margin problem still existing. This is on a fresh install of Android Honeycomb via CyanogenMod 7. The NC has pretty decent hardware specs, and outperforms even the Motorola Xoom on benchmark tests when running 1.2+GHz.
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It would be informative to know the minimum system requirements for Android version (RAM, CPU, etc.), because there's some low end tablets that doesn't run Logos. (It's strange that the passage guide and text comparison works perfectly in my tablet, but the reading view doesn't work at all.) It would be much easier to find a cheap tablet that runs Logos.
A wiki page would be nice: These models are tested to work with Logos, these models are tested to not to work with Logos.
Has anyone who has low end Android tablet with WonderMedia WM8650 chip tried to root the device and install the modified Uberoid Adroid version that is optimized for that chip? If not, I'd like to test it before I'll sell my tablet and buy a better one that runs Logos.
Faithlife Connect + several Base Packages + Luther's Works, etc.
Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 260, Win 10 Pro, Intel Core i7-6500U, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Intel HD Graphics 520.
iPhone 11.0 -
Mikko Paavola said:
It would be informative to know the minimum system requirements for Android version (RAM, CPU, etc.), because there's some low end tablets that doesn't run Logos. (It's strange that the passage guide and text comparison works perfectly in my tablet, but the reading view doesn't work at all.) It would be much easier to find a cheap tablet that runs Logos.
A wiki page would be nice: These models are tested to work with Logos, these models are tested to not to work with Logos.
Has anyone who has low end Android tablet with WonderMedia WM8650 chip tried to root the device and install the modified Uberoid Adroid version that is optimized for that chip? If not, I'd like to test it before I'll sell my tablet and buy a better one that runs Logos.
Hi Mikko,
The minimum version of Android that is supported is 2.1 (yet we are aware of existing issues with 2.1 that we intend to fix).
As far as low-end tablets are concerned, we hope to support as many devices as we are able but cannot determine at this time which of those devices will be supported or when. If you wish to productively use Logos sooner rather than later, you might consider taking a look at widely used and well regarded tablets from popular vendors. The more popular the tablet the more likely software vendors are to support it. Thanks.!