This weeks Lesson

Lynden O. Williams
Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012
edited November 2024 in English Forum

For those who study the Adult Bible Study Guide by Seventh-day Adventist, or those merely interested, the files for next week is now available. For the source visit or for this weeks lesson.

Any suggestions for the improvements of the file are welcome. Credits are at the bottom of the file. I have not received permission to connect the SDABC or the writings of Ellen White for distribution as yet. Waiting for word from the publishers.

Open a new note file, give it the same name as the lesson, and highlight the note number and then tell Logos to add a note to "Living By the Spirit".

4111.LESSON 12 Living by the Spirit De c embe r 10–16 2011.docx

Mission: To serve God as He desires.
