Visual Markup in Reading View

I would love to have visual markup available in reading view. They seem to go hand in hand and every time I begin to read something in reading view i want to mark something to later examine more closely. I love reading view and I love visual markup now if I just had them available at the same time.
Ed Jent said:
I would love to have visual markup available in reading view. They seem to go hand in hand and every time I begin to read something in reading view i want to mark something to later examine more closely. I love reading view and I love visual markup now if I just had them available at the same time.
Try CTRL+K to place your chosen visual markup (the last one you set up or used). To remove it, use CTRL+SHIFT+K it works great. I love it. I use the Yellow one all the time anyways :-)
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I don't believe that there is a way in reading view BUT...
Dragging the window HUGE for your book and a small narrow window for the highlighters is a workaround that I'm fine with ....
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Robert Pavich said:
I don't believe that there is a way in reading view BUT...
Why you think the method I wrote about would not work? It works great for me. And yes, you can drag a small window of highlights to your floating window (you can have there also the Information window etc). But that's not really a reading mode, especially in the future, when multi-columns should be supported, it will matter.
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Doesn't that method just "apply" and "erase" whatever last chosen markup was used?
I thought his question was "how do I use highlights" I assumed the whole pallet was wanted....
Maybe I was wrong..
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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You could get the FREE download of "Deskpins" that will pin any window open and keep it on top of other windows...
then pin the floated highlighter window on top...and push "reading view" on your bible's pane and this is the result...reading view + highlighting
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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Robert Pavich said:
You could get the FREE download of "Deskpins" that will pin any window open and keep it on top of other windows...
then pin the floated highlighter window on top...and push "reading view" on your bible's pane and this is the result...reading view + highlighting
Yes Bob, it's worth of trying. With that work-around it should be OK. I just assumed what I usually do while reading, and that is not too complicated study (I do not do that in the Reading Mode) but just simple reading, and - like having a Yellow Highlighter in my hand - I just underline the text I want to highlight. I do that with the CTRL+K.
But you are right, if full palette is needed, then you have to do it some different way. Your way looks interesting. Thanks.
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Thanks to both of you. I have a layout with the screen stretched as suggested but with all those tools there I am like a like a fat man in a donut shop. I just can't keep away when I see something interesting. I have deskpins that is a great work around.
I just want to read the desk, mark it with a full pallette available and not be tempted to do all of the other stuff.
Thanks again.
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where do you find the download or does tis come from logos? Thanks
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Scott Wright said:
where do you find the download or does tis come from logos? Thanks
I know you've probably already figured this out by now. But Google Deskpins. It's the first hit.
By the way, I think floating the Highlighting panel and using Deskpins is great. I only wish it would remember that you'd resized it to a narrow width if you close it and open it back up again. I've posted a suggestion about that in another thread.