How do we know when and if a new book will be available in Vyrso?

If we see a new book that we would like to own, how do we know if it will be available in VYRSO and when v we need to buy it in another format?
Pastor James said:
how do we know if it will be available in VYRSO
You don't, but you can make an educated guess by publisher. If you read between the lines, Vyrso has yet fulfill the intended desire to have all of the books Bob suggested would be available "by the end of the year."
Is there a particular book that you are interested in currently?
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alabama24 said:Pastor James said:
how do we know if it will be available in VYRSO
You don't, but you can make an educated guess by publisher.
In other words, James, if your book has been recently published by Thomas Nelson, Baker, Crossway or Tyndale, and is available electronically in ePub or Kindle format, the chances should be good. Forget Vyrso, if it's from Zondervan or IVP.
But, if it's theology rather than self-help or fiction, you may find it in Logos itself (happened to me with Zondervan books from Fall 2011 that I bought elsewhere and that are now on Pre-Pub in Logos).
Unfortunately, Vyrso has no prior information on upcoming books and no pre-ordering of books to be released later. Maybe they'll come up with this in some time to avoid paper books and rival e-formats eating their sales by being a bit quicker to the market.
Btw. Alabama: I fully support your idea of having an auto-tagged Vyrso-book at release time and this being replaced by a fully-tagged, footnoted and referenced Logos resource later - speak of getting the best of two worlds!
Have joy in the Lord!
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The book I'm interested in at the moment is
Saying It Well: Touching Others with Your Words by Charles R. Swindoll (Feb 2, 2012)
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Since the book is by FaithWords, there is no good way of knowing if/when it would come to Vyrso. No other books by this company have been sold through Vyrso. The only thing else I can add is that Bob desires Vyrso to be THE go to place for these kinds of books. If FaithWords desires to sell through Vyrso, it will probably happen. Otherwise, you are out of luck. [:'(]
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alabama24 said:
Since the book is by FaithWords, there is no good way of knowing if/when it would come to Vyrso. No other books by this company have been sold through Vyrso. The only thing else I can add is that Bob desires Vyrso to be THE go to place for these kinds of books. If FaithWords desires to sell through Vyrso, it will probably happen. Otherwise, you are out of luck.
FaithWords say about themselves:
FaithWords publishes books for the growing inspirational market. Based near Nashville, Tennessee, FaithWords has grown dramatically by acquiring a solid list of faith-building fiction and high-profile authors with edifying messages, including bestselling authors Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, John Eldredge, and David Jeremiah. Several FaithWords titles have appeared on national bestseller lists, most recently Every Day a Friday, by Joel Osteen, Living Beyond Your Feelings, by Joyce Meyer, and I Never Thought I’d See the Day!, by David Jeremiah. (Source: )
This would probably fit very well into the Vyrso product mix. From looking at their other books and Amazon, it seems they are open to ebooks (at least they sell Coffrey's Paper Angel on Kindle), so maybe someone needs to bring Logos and FaithWords together. A mail to may do - or someone ask the publisher about a Vyrso resource from Charles Swindoll's book.
Have joy in the Lord!