iPad crash (due to large note files?)

JT (alabama24)
JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523
edited November 2024 in English Forum

My copy of Logos crashes on my iPad several minutes after opening also, but I don't have the Reformation Study Bible open when it does. It has crashed with the NKJV Study Bible & NRSV that I can think of but I am not convinced that it is tied to a particular resource. I will try it tonight with only the KJV and see what happens. I have tried reinstalling to no avail.  It started during the "notes sync" update and hasn’t' worked since.  ??  I am having to use another product until this get resolved. :-(


bstaggs <><

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  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Not sure what you mean by "mobile apps" version though.

    If you keep up with updates, then you should have version 2.0.2. You can find this information in "more," then "about."

    Not use where it stores the notes files so nothing concrete, but I would think the quite large as I have been working on them for years now.

    It would be helpful to gain some sort of idea of how large your files are. One way to do this is to go through the process of trying to print them (but don't actually print them!). You should be able to determine how many printed pages you have. 

    I don't need you to be particularly thorough about this... Just give me some sort of idea. If you have several large files, start with those. REMEMBER: Highlights are now note files. These could be the primary culprits if you have much highlighting.

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Billy Staggs
    Billy Staggs Member Posts: 46 ✭✭

    Desktop Logos : 4.5a (

    Mobile : Version 2.02 (2.02.2368 2012-02-01 15:10:35 PST)

    notes.db = 12 MB (masive amount of highlights as I often highlight translation differences)

    Started it up with only KJV loaded, touched the screen just enough to keep it from blanking the screen and crashes evertime within a few minutes.


    bstaggs <><

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Billy - Is the KJV one of the resources with lots of highlights? Can you load a resource with little or no notes? I don't know if there would be any benefit of loading two resources in split screen that have little/no notes… you might want to try that if the first doesn't work.

    Another interesting thing to do would be to check the program's file size to see if it is growing very fast. You can do this by going to your iPad's Settings: General: Usage: Storage. You  might need to click on "Show All Apps." Do this before you try opening Logos. Then do the same afterwards. Compare file sizes.

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Billy Staggs
    Billy Staggs Member Posts: 46 ✭✭

    Using resources with little to no highlighting made no difference. :-(


    bstaggs <><

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Billy - I am afraid that I can't help out much. I do have a potential solution, but it would be a long process and I can't guarantee that it would work.

    In my case, I spent 6 hours or so creating new note files. I moved all of the notes into resource specific note files (i.e. all ESV highlights went into an ESV note file). It sounds like you have more notes/highlights than I do… You might want to call Logos or send them an email. Sorry! [:S]

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Billy Staggs
    Billy Staggs Member Posts: 46 ✭✭

    Thanks for all the help!  Redoing my notes/highlights would take weeks (Literally weeks, I know because I reorganized them when moving from Logos version 3) so I think I will just use another iPad Bible application until this issue gets resolved.  I went ahead and purchased some Bibles and other necessary resources to get me by for now.  I have been using another product at times anyway because I don't have internet at Church and can't bookmark or do searches with Logos so I am used to that, but I really am going to miss Logos when studying/reading around the house.  No product I have found has the formatting of Logos on the iPad.  I use the NKJV Study Bible often and having all the cross references and links instantly available is going to be sorely missed. 

    Thanks again,

    bstaggs <>< 


  • Billy Staggs
    Billy Staggs Member Posts: 46 ✭✭

    I just got an email from Logos tech support stating that I needed to sync my iPad with iTunes, restore it back and THEN if it doesn’t work right they will send the Logs over to development.  Wow!  Starting to question my investment with Logos in general.... :-(



  • DominicM
    DominicM Member Posts: 2,995 ✭✭✭

    I just got an email from Logos tech support stating that I needed to sync my iPad with iTunes, restore it back and THEN if it doesn’t work right they will send the Logs over to development.

    Crazy as it is, quite often syncing with itunes solves a lit of issues (not just Logos)  its like the old "CRTL+ALT+DEL" we used to do in window, it was a pain but everything was normally happy afterwards, we cant blame Logos for possible inneficencies in the iPad /iPhone sync system


    Starting to question my investment with Logos in general.... :-(

     Am stating to consider getting a new iPad, the investment in Logos with the multi-platform deployment is awsome..

    Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have

  • Billy Staggs
    Billy Staggs Member Posts: 46 ✭✭

    They are saying: sync with iTunes, do a backup and then wipe the iPad and restore with the backup just made, not simply syncing with iTunes.  Seems like a somewhat extreme request considering they will not even look at the crash logs until then (even though they had me send them already).  Perhaps I will comply in time, but Logos is not all I use my iPad for and really don’t want to have everything broke on the “chance” this might fix it.

     Not that I am trying to "blame" anyone, but let's be clear here,  this all started after I updated to the new "improved" version of the Logos app. 

    Glad you are happy with your investment in Logos, having a working version does tend to brighten ones disposition. :-)


    bstaggs <><


  • Rev. Kelly Todd
    Rev. Kelly Todd Member Posts: 273 ✭✭

    Billy, I too have had issues with other apps and have been told to restore my IOS.  The first time, I laughed at them and only restored the Iphone to prove to them that it would not work.  The second time, I remembered how it helped the first time... now, I do it when there is an issue.  IOS is not infallible, and I find that it has far more occurrences of problems than apple would like us to think.  What do you have to loose... yes your time, and maybe even a resolution to your issue.


  • Billy Staggs
    Billy Staggs Member Posts: 46 ✭✭

    Well I went through the routine, uninstalled Logos, synced with iTunes, backed up, restored, re-install Logos, ..... and sadly, crashed again.  I have sent the logs again to support so I will wait on their suggestion.

    Thanks for the help.


    bstaggs <><

  • Stuart S
    Stuart S Member Posts: 49 ✭✭


    How did the rest of the restore go? Did you lose anything else in the process? Hope it went smooth and a solution can be found.

    Just curious — why do you highlight differences in versions vs. using the Text Comparison tool?


  • Billy Staggs
    Billy Staggs Member Posts: 46 ✭✭

    Actually the sync/backup/restore went surprising smooth, all my docs & settings appear to have been restored correctly.  The whole process took less than fifteen minutes and so far it seems to have been non-destructive.  Unfortunately it didn’t fix anything either….

    I normally preach from the KJV though my main study Bible is the NKJV.  In our congregation we have the KJV (I won’t go so far as to say KJVonly camp, but it’s close) to the NIV and even in a few cases NLT.  I once got caught off guard in a Bible study where the NKJV/NASB used “slave” and the KJV “servant” and I vowed that I would not be ill prepared like that again, so I always try and know the major differences in a passage between KJV, NKJV (“condemned” vs “dammed” for example) and a critical text (NU) based Bible (NASB, ESV, NIV, etc.).  In the process of researching the textual differences I have accumulated a rather extensive set of notes/highlights.  I have a color system that I use to help me identify the severity of the difference between translations (Green = informational, Red = critical, etc.)  Generally I attach my notes to the verse but not to a specific Bible and then highlight each translation accordingly.  It may sound extreme but it works for me. Now add my general and topical notes/highlighting to the mix and it’s not hard to see how involved my notes have become.

    So as you can see having my notes/highlights sync between my iPad and desktop is/was a wonderful thought, but not at the expense of losing mobile access to my entire Logos library. Hopefully this will be resolved soon.


    bstaggs <><

  • Danny Parker
    Danny Parker Member Posts: 437 ✭✭


    Just so you know there are problems with the large notefile highlights. These problems are suppose to be solved in 2.1.0 (soon to be released). The problem with mine is merely that it does not sync  the large file - spinning wheel never completes sync. Thus I do not see highlights from this file - other highlight files work fine. I have not had the crash problem. I moved all the highlights except ESV out of this file but the file is still over 400 pages - the problem still exists. I hope that the new 2.1.0 fixes this problem. Clearly a limitation on the number of highlights in a particular resource is unacceptable and will be a problem to everyone eventually. I feel pretty confident that this is viewed as a problem and work is underway to fix it. Nonetheless I can appreciate the frustration especially with such an impacting symptom of the problem.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    These problems are suppose to be solved in 2.1.0 (soon to be released).

    Did you read something I didn't?

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Danny Parker
    Danny Parker Member Posts: 437 ✭✭

    I will have to go back and look, but I thought when highlights first became available and the large file issue was raised that the fix was identified and targeted for 2.1.0. That was what I thought I read and have been anticipating, but I have misread things before.[:D]

  • Danny Parker
    Danny Parker Member Posts: 437 ✭✭
    This is the post I referred to. Kevin indicated that the problem with large note files was available and coming with the next release, if I read this right.



    image Kevin Byford Replied: Mon Feb 13, 2012 2:38 PM

    imageDanny Parker:


    Now that many of the bugs with syncing are taken care of, I thought I would inquire about the large file issue again. Is this still viewed as an outstanding problem that is being worked on. If so, I will go back to sleep and wait on a fix. If not, I need to tear apart my large highlighting file (I am not adding to it). I am assuming that a fix in still in progress, but just looking to confirm this.



    Hi Danny,

    Syncing of large Note/Highlighting files should be in the next released iOS version. If we release 2.0.3 (which is uncertain at this point) is should be fixed there; if 2.1.0 is the next released version it should be fixed there as well.

  • Danny Parker
    Danny Parker Member Posts: 437 ✭✭

    Unfortunately, in Vyrso 2.1.0 it is not fixed - in fact my Vyrso crashes now. But perhaps the Logos app will be different. I have reported the Vyrso problem in that forum.

  • Billy Staggs
    Billy Staggs Member Posts: 46 ✭✭

    With great anticipation I installed the latest update …… but alas it still crashes.  :-(


    bstaggs <><

  • Hunter Clagett
    Hunter Clagett Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,819

    With great anticipation I installed the latest update …… but alas it still crashes.  :-(


    bstaggs <><

    Thanks for reporting this. I will alert our developers to the issue.



    - Hunter Clagett

    Logos 4 Bug Report - Mac | PC

    Proclaim - Mac/PC

  • Billy Staggs
    Billy Staggs Member Posts: 46 ✭✭

    New update fixed this problem!!! Thanks Logos!!! I now have notes on my iPhone and iPad syncing with my desktop.  GREAT Deal!!!

