Non-Fiction Thoughts...

Ann Hudson
Ann Hudson Member Posts: 178
edited November 2024 in Resources Forum

I noticed on Verso's home page that the offer for Thomas Nelson fiction titles is still on for $3.99. How about a different publisher doing a similar offer in the near future? I have in mind Tyndale publishers (especially with their 'Left Behind' series by Tim LaHaye).

I do enjoy historical fiction, and it would be good to see some of the Brodie and Brock Theone (Used to be Bethany House Publishers, now Tyndale have taken up the reigns) added to the Vyrso list. Some of their series written include 'The Zion Chronicles', 'A.D. Chronicles', 'Zion Legacy', etc. See CBD for product details and descriptions. I notice that the majority of fiction tastes from Thomas Nelson seems to be geared for 'females only'?
