How to NOTES - 2 videos
NB.Mick said:
think it the other way round: when hundreds of groups are using this, the notes must be tied to the groups, otherwise there's chaos.
While I was out I made a few calls to some other preachers of other denominations that I know of. Now concerning the notes issue no one would care to read notes from another faith and yes it would be rather chaotic to do so I agree. But then how many use Biblia - not many from those that I talked to, some did not even know of it's existence. It appears that some use their own setup, and most accurately, their own forum(s).
Now in regards to Logos[HQ], they are embarking, from my experience, on the very thing that others have hope for for yrs, especially when I briefly discussed it with those I called. They have, or are attempting to have, an online bible/forum/personal bible program all integrated into one platform experience. This allows it's user, professionally and personally, to intermingle locally and broadly, limiting the time it would take to socialize/gather in person, or schedule a meeting, formally or informally.
With HQ's possible[potential] release of L5, which may or may not incorporate the total package of cross-platform migration, this may soon become a reality that will make them a Tier1 Bible package. The only other group that I am aware of that is attempting this is ???[sorry can't tell ya].
Yes, I agree the notes would have to be tied to the group per se, but as you demonstrated that note as with the group would have to be in a private manner. Now how many are going to make their group private, when the purpose, or apparent purpose, is an open forum?
Not every group is going to be closed –or- private are they?, if we say yes then we are merely speculating based on limited knowledge…many will be open to the general populous[again speculation].If F-life is solely invite only, or the vast majority are closed or private, then what is the purpose of it’s existence - -Private Christians? OHH WOW!! Wouldn’t that just make God proud……
I do not think that that is the intention of HQ, but then again I could be wrong............
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Room4more said:
If F-life is solely invite only, or the vast majority are closed or private, then what is the purpose of it’s existence
Faithlife is community oriented. There are already lots of ways to share publicly -- Twitter, Facebook, and many others. And if you want to be public on Faithlife, you can be -- set your privacy settings to "Everyone" and post to My Faithlife, which anyone can see on your page if you allow.
There are even public shared notes systems, like YouVersion, and the previous generation of eBible. Our observation, though, is that people want and need to share within specific communities. Sometimes for privacy -- you may not want to share your Bible study notes for the "Something Addicts Recovery Group" with the whole world -- and sometimes just for logistical reasons: I want to see my 200 person church's notes on the passage the pastor is preaching this week, without the clutter of devotional observations from thousands of people I don't know.
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Bob, I would agree. And, out of the 585 who have view'd F-life beta, if 85% who have view'd the supplied video's on the notes and how to used them, now have more of an understanding of how to better use Biblia and have a better understanding of the internal functional relationship between Biblia and Faithlife.
So yes, they can share openly[publicly] and if so choose privately, based on the group settings.
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