899+ Doc & Rtf file for conversion via torrent

Fred J. Morgan
Fred J. Morgan Member Posts: 249 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum


The Torrent file "Christian Classic Library"  is a free Torrent with close to 900 DOC and RTF Files of Open Source/ Public Domain Christian works...  and is available using BitTorrent, UTorrent or Bitlord(Bitlord is completely free public domain Torrent Download) Surprise

I used AOSTSoft All Document Converter Pro Batch Docx...   All conv erted perfectly.... (AVS also works well for batch)

For those interested  TORRENT HERE (INSTALL Bitlord or Utorrent first)


BITLORD HERE (Install then use Options to setup Directories the go to the Torrent Site Above and Click Download TORRENT)

 More material (Music, Movies, Books) on Torrents SEARCH  "Poths" Here:

Always be cautious, Limewire Client Style Download and Direct Downloads are VERY BAD for Viruses. Torrents on the otherside has potintial. This torrent is fine. I have it and no viruses.


With  you do have a choice. Look for VERIFIED torrents. Verified torrents are those which qualified people have downloaded and reported back to the host as being good files and Virus free.  ALSO any tooren up for over a month or two or on multible site is also good.  It is bad for business to have BAD TORRENT file up and the site owners are very good. Most bad rep. comes from weary people who use to download RISKY Files and have been burned. Direct downloads from PERMISQUEST SITES is the worst virus attaqckers. No one want to admit where they have strayed (even accidently) or gone delibertly.  I have never I never TV episodes for the past years. We live in an area where we have no TV reception, not cable and I am to cheap for Satalite. We now have ROKU download but still download BBC and Angle TV shows via torrent.....  Again.. check the file before you download for:

  • age (new files are dangerous)
  • If file is Verified
  • If file has negative comment


Older files are usually OK
Verified files are OK
No comment on month old files are OK (From my experience)

NO ONE SHOULD BE ON THE INTERNET if you do not have Virus Protectio - I recommend MS Essentials a free Microsoft virus program updated daily.

BE CHRISTIAN - NEVER STEAL.....   remember never download something you do not have the rights to or is not offered free to others...  Geeked

Yes   Torrents is just another internet tool not to be misused.  Yes

http://www.torrentz.com  -  Gives you multible torrent sites in your search showing you how many others have the file. Also verified torrents....
     ... (look to make sure torrents have someone dowloading/SEEDING and check comments for negative post)

http://www.torrentcrazy.com -  A very good site which Verifies Torrents...   Recommend

http://www.torrentdownloads.net - Another good site.

http://rarbg.com - One of the best sites..

God Bless and Be safe and Enjoy

Fred J  (Jeff) BeerCheers








  • Yes   Torrents is just another internet tool not to be misused.  Yes

    Counterpoint: Torrent software can be a security hazard on your computer that opens up your computer for other files to be transferred, including your personal information => http://www.techulator.com/resources/4609-legal-issues-downloading-windows-from.aspx

    In the U.S. lawsuits are in progress against torrent users => http://torrentfreak.com/200000-bittorrent-users-sued-in-the-united-states-110808/ and => http://blogs.seattleweekly.com/dailyweekly/2011/08/what_to_do_if_you_receive_a_bittorrent_john_doe_lawsuit_letter.php

    By the way, an internet search for "torrent security" includes a domain name that has been seized by ICE - Homeland Security.

    Note: reported this thread as abuse since reads much like SPAM advertising for various torrent web sites along with lacking focus on using Logos Bible Software.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I agree with KS4J's assessment and action. Torrent users are widely considered to be the dark underground of the Internet. It's OK if some Logos users want to do that activity privately on their own time, but it's very dangerous and borders on illegal (often becomes illegal if it isn't to begin with) so it's not good to be recommending it to other unsuspecting users. Logos forums should not be used to advertise websites that are known to be usually used for illegal activity, even if there are sometimes ways to use them within the bounds of the law if you take precautions against viruses and the like. It's just too dangerous. Too many users who come to these forums for help are newbies.

    Also with U.S. Government increasingly cracking down on Internet piracy lately (though SOPA got tabled for now, they are still keen to stop this activity), if you use such sites that are known to be pirate havens, you are opening yourself up to risk of surveillance.

  • Fred J. Morgan
    Fred J. Morgan Member Posts: 249 ✭✭

    It is ashame that many people do illegal posting and sharing on torrent sites. I have downloaded many books and have also POOSTED - for example I was contacted by the author of ZIEGEIST REFUTED to put his video up...  how else couyld he show the errors against Christianity to the same people that watc hed the original ZIEGEIST?   Anytime you need to transfere or Post a file larger than 25 Megs you need to use torrents.

    I can not help what other people do.  I also can not change the mind of those who do not wish to change.As for SPAM... 

    I am sorry that you believe that posting about where to and how to get 900 Public domain DOC abd RTF files that are easy to convert to Docx for PBB format is SPAM.  There is not way I could make money from this or that this is SPAM.. You might as well put on your complaint that I was Spamming File converters to.?!

    I have tried especially in the past year to make my post as civil and nice as possible. I do not play the FORUM GAME of pretending this Forum site is my home away from home, or I am the boss of the torrent site, or this is my local pickle barrel which you must play up to those who were here first or the here the longest. I have a life.

    As for torrent sites you will also find a pleasent Christian Torrent Site also. Complete Public domain, a bit hard to post onto and does not have as much to offer.
    http://www.christianforums.com/t3286354/  Along with this Forum host for torrents.. most good host have a Christian
    Catagory which has better listings and does not have all the trash in the search.

    Sorry you did not like the post. ..  I do not believe this has effected by belief in God not has it impacted my life.  nor do I have regrets that I have ever taken anything illegal.    But if you feel the tempation is to much.. by all mean do not go.

    I will however erase this post  later tonight....    After reading your post, the fact that I may lead someone to stumble is a good reason to remove it..

    God Bless and Keep Smiling

    Fred J  (Jeff)

  • Fred J. Morgan
    Fred J. Morgan Member Posts: 249 ✭✭

    [:D][:D]Rosie,  I appreciate any response from you. As stated in my reply with keep smiling, I will remove the post today.    I have used torrents even before the internet had a GUI interface and all commands had to be typed in using Internet Basic.  I do not use it for illegal use but I do admit much today is on borderline or outright illegal...   I do not smite the dog when it has feas.

    I am a patriot and a DAV. I now believe in Non-Resistance but still thank God I live in this country.  I am also very much affraid of the course our government has taken in removal of rights.  I do not condone any use of the internet which is illegal but I have problems when Big Money can effect our freedom. Notice that it is illegal torrent and not the SMUT SITES under attack. Site on torture, rape, beastiality and worse are not addressed but those which has a monitary value to large corporations is under attack.   I will say nomore

    As for the post. THIS Torrent of DOC and RTF file is really worth getting...  there is really no other way to share over 25 MBits over in the internet. Torrents are made to do this in the safest way possible. If I knew of another way of sharing these, I WOULD

    So, If your or KS4J have another way to share them... Then PLEASE HELP.   

    Helping others is the reason for this post, not to SPAM as KS4J reported.  

    Thank you so much for your response. As stated I am taking this down today not because I think it is wrong but t because KS4J was right in his implication that this could leade someone to stray and download illegally.  I do not want to temp someone beyond their means of control.

    God Bless and keep Smiling

    Fred J (Jeff)   pS    still looking for the Martyrs Mirror! :)

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,153


    Logos forum user Thomas Black is hosting a ton of L3-PBBs at his stilltruth.com site, but last time I looked he had next to none L4 DOCX. So we know he is willing to host stuff to help others with Logos, so maybe he is willing to host these DOCs & RTFs as a seedbed for L4 PBs. If I were you, I'd contact him. 

    Aside: I didn't regard you posting as spam, but I refrained from installing a torrent client so far for the reasons explained here. Maybe it's overprotection.


    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    still looking for the Martyrs Mirror!

    Still working on it. It's a long slog, and I've had many interruptions.

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    there is really no other way to share over 25 MBits over in the internet.

    No, torrents are not the only way.

    There are temporary places to share that much data with another person without setting up an account, e.g. bighugefile.com, where you upload the data and it gives you a link to access it; the link is valid for a week, then they remove the data, reuse the space for someone else.

    Or you can get your own webspace to share such data more permanently. You can purchase your own domain. Or some sites will give you a few GB free, such as ADrive.com (Personal Basic plan is free and gives you 50 GB of storage).

  • Fred J. Morgan
    Fred J. Morgan Member Posts: 249 ✭✭

    I'll check this out... If I can find a site that will let me upload and others to download over 25mb at a time.. I only deal with Google at this time and even though they give you 7Gb the upload and download is swt at 25Mb...   If anyone has a suggestion on a site send it email morganfj at gmail

    God Bless

    Fred J 

  • Fred J. Morgan
    Fred J. Morgan Member Posts: 249 ✭✭

    'll  check the sit. As you know FINISHED PBBs can not be shared, only Docx to make your own.. Maybe he can host a Docx location for us?  

    Thabnks for the suggestion

    god Bless

    Fred J

  • Fred J. Morgan
    Fred J. Morgan Member Posts: 249 ✭✭

    I can not remove this post... Requesting removal of post by the author........   Thank You...

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Maybe he can host a Docx location for us?

    He is already hosting Docx files. See http://www.stilltruth.com/topics/docx

    Also we have a place right here on the Logos website to host docx files; people have been posting them on the Files subforum, and I've been maintaining an index to them all here: http://wiki.logos.com/User_Contributed_Personal_Books

    Logos is going to provide a PB "store" of some sort, though they haven't told us when it will be available, what it is going to look like or whether we'll be able to use it to give away PBs (i.e.,"sell" them for $0.00 like Logos does with their free books via their normal e-commerce site). Since PBs need to be compiled on one's own computer, I am guessing this "store" will be a way of sharing .docx files with others, not the finished PBs.

    I don't know that we need yet another repository for .docx files at this point.

  • I can not remove this post... Requesting removal of post by the author........   Thank You...

    Sent email to Logos with reference to this thread.


    I am sorry that you believe that posting about where to and how to get 900 Public domain DOC abd RTF files that are easy to convert to Docx for PBB format is SPAM.

    Apologies for harshness of my words. [:$]  Note: compared to several SPAM posts promoting various products, this passionate thread promoting torrent appears quite similar.

    Appreciate desire to promote access to public domain files, which can be converted into Logos 4 personal books.

    Also agree with Rosie about torrents being dangerous; safer to download from web sites: e.g. => Christian Classics Ethereal Library plus many more on wiki page => User Contributed Personal Books (see bottom of page).

    After reading your post, the fact that I may lead someone to stumble is a good reason to remove it..

    Stumbling is not the only reason to avoid torrents.  To use torrent software requires configuring computer to receive requests from the internet, which can include malicious surprises; need to have anti-virus current plus have security patches installed for all software, including Adobe Flash and PDF Reader.  Malware development kits are becoming much more sophisticated.  Yet, prudent security measures would have prevented most cyber attacks =>  http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9225444/Most_2011_cyberattacks_were_avoidable_Verizon_says

    Older torrent threat example => http://www.bestsecuritytips.com/news+article.storyid+158.htm (known exploits are still being used on vulnerable systems)

    To avoid potential legal headaches, one torrent web site closed down this year => http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9223989/BTJunkie_voluntarily_closes_file_sharing_website

    One disadvantage of torrents is if a doc file has a copyright violation; removing that file from torrent distribution is a daunting task.

    For copyright reasons, "The WORD" web site requests for the site to not be mirrored so if an author revokes permission for free public use of a digital resource, the file can be removed (has happened).  Note: "The WORD" has a number of free resources, including public domain, which have potential for conversion to Logos personal books; for copyrighted works, requesting author's permission before conversion seems wise.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    Note: reported this thread as abuse since reads much like SPAM advertising for various torrent web sites along with lacking focus on using Logos Bible Software.

    My apologies; I was wrong to report abuse.

    - - - - - -

    Prudent to scan document files downloaded from internet (along with keeping computer system up to date):http://blog.eset.com/2012/03/28/osxlamadai-a-the-mac-payload

    Keep Smiling [:)]