If anyone's waiting for Melito...

I've had a finished version in English for a bit over a week, but I never got the copyright issue solved before Logos put it on prepub in the form of Popular Patristics Series, Part 1 (10 vols.), so I doubt I'll pursue it any further. Sorry.
If you want to read it for Holy Week, you can find it online at e g http://www.kerux.com/documents/KeruxV4N1A1.asp. I don't find that as nice a translation as my Swedish one, and I prefer it lined up as poetry rather than prose, but it's quite OK. (I've done half the work for a 'poetry' version as well, which would also be easier to line up with the Greek, but that would presumably have been even harder to get permission to share.)
Greek versions can be found here or here. I haven't really had time to look closer at either. I might still do some work on one of them later (with real datatypes instead of faked headwords!), but it won't be anytime soon, and I don't know the copyright status for those either.
If you're worried about the perceived anti-Semitism, you might want to read e g A Completely Different Reading of Melito’s Peri Pascha (I've got it as PB, but, again, it's under copyright).
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