Word Study Definition Not Working

MD Member Posts: 6 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi Folks,

I'm still new to Logos and on a steep learning curve.  One frustrating issue that continues to come up is trying to look up the meaning of a word while using my Android application.  I can do a "Word Study" on the word, but nothing ever comes up under the "definition".  As a matter of fact, the "definition" option is always grayed out.  Is this option not activated in  Android? Do you need a specific dictionary for this to work?  I have tried with Bibles and books and neither works. 

Thanks much for any help...MD



  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Welcome to the forums George. Have you purchased a base package? Some features of the software only work with the base packages. I can affirm that it does work on my tabley and phone. 

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,093

    Hi George

    As Lynden posted, this works for me on Android.

    Can you give an example of where this doesn't work? Bible translation, verse, word?


  • MD
    MD Member Posts: 6 ✭✭

    Thanks for the inputs. 

    No, I haven't purchased a base package.  I'm kind of "test driving" Logos to see if it fits my Bible study requirements before committing to a large financial purchase.  I have an idea that my "Word Study Definition" not working problem is related to not owning the correct kind of dictionary.  Does this function require a specific dictionary?  If so, which one?

    Graham...the dictionary does not work in ANY Bible or ANY book, so there is no real need to give a specific example...it never works.  This is part of the reason I suspect that I don't own the correct dictionary.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,093

    Hi George

    No, I haven't purchased a base package.  I'm kind of "test driving" Logos to see if it fits my Bible study requirements before committing to a large financial purchase

    Ok. I understand this, thanks for clarifying. Please note that - in the main Logos 4 applications on Windows or Mac - some functionality is only made available with certain base packages. You can see this by looking at the "Features and Databases" section at http://www.logos.com/comparison

    I don't know whether this has an impact on Android functionality.

    I have an idea that my "Word Study Definition" not working problem is related to not owning the correct kind of dictionary.  Does this function require a specific dictionary?  If so, which one?

    This should work if you have any dictionary which is indexed by the word and has a matching word. So, for example, I have just tried doing a BWS on a word and three dictionaries / lexicons appears against it. 

    Which dictionaries / lexica do you have available to you?



  • MD
    MD Member Posts: 6 ✭✭

    Thanks again Graham,

    I currently only have the resources included with the free Android Application and a couple NASB related Hebrew/Greek dictionaries.  I bet these don't include an indexed dictionary.  

    Again, I'm just trying to get a feel for Logos without a huge investment.  How can you tell if a dictionary/lexicon is indexed?  Does anyone have any recommendations for a good, indexed dictionary/lexicon?

    Thanks again...MD

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,093

    Hi George

    I currently only have the resources included with the free Android Application

    Are these the 41 resources you get without registering or have you registered and got the additional 26 resources (page describing this is at http://www.logos.com/mobile/android)?

    The reason I ask is that the additional 26 includes Strong's "Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek Testament and The Hebrew Bible" which is indexed by Greek and Hebrew words.

    So - if you haven't already got access to this - it could be worth registering (its a no-charge option I believe) and see if this gets the Definition working. This would at least clarify one way or the other whether this is the issue.

    couple NASB related Hebrew/Greek dictionaries

    which dictionaries are these

    How can you tell if a dictionary/lexicon is indexed? 

    You can tell once you have the resource by looking at the descriptive data associated with it! I don't think that there is any mechanism of doing so just from the Logos website.

    Does anyone have any recommendations for a good, indexed dictionary/lexicon?

    I'll leave others to comment on this. I use them but only in a high-level way.

    What level Greek / Hebrew do you have?



  • MD
    MD Member Posts: 6 ✭✭

    Yes, I have the "registered" resources including the Strong's Concise Dictionary.  I also have the Dictionary of the Vulgate NT and the NASB Hebrew/Greek Dictionary,  Again, my guess is that these are not indexed and I need to purchase an indexed dictionary.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,093

    Yes, I have the "registered" resources including the Strong's Concise Dictionary


    Again, my guess is that these are not indexed and I need to purchase an indexed dictionary.

    The Strong's Concise dictionary is indexed and does appear when I do a Bible Word Study on my Logos 4 laptop system (it doesn't appear in Android for me because higher prioritised ones get there first). So it is definitely indexed for both Greek and Hebrew words.

    Having said that I have just found a word in the Old Testament (just trying at random) where I also get the "blank definition" screen item (for "army" in 1 Kings 20:1). This suggests that there may be an issue in the Android app somewhere.

    Unless it is a "you don't have this functionality because you don't have a base package" issue - which I don't think it is - there is something strange here as the Strong's dictionary should give you definitions for words which it has in its index.

    Hopefully someone else who has the free, registered resources can comment and say if they are seeing the same thing.



  • Pete Holzmann
    Pete Holzmann Member Posts: 115 ✭✭

    Without a minimal investment you won't get the new/advanced tools to work. Even for people who owned the earlier Logos packages, the minimum purchase for full functionality of Logos 4 (Win/Mac) and mobile versions (iOS/Android) is what they call the Minimal Crossgrade (http://www.logos.com/minimalcrossgrade)

    This post explains your options: http://www.logos.com/4ways

    Here's what the latter link says about your question: "The free Logos 4 core engine without a Logos 4 base package or the Minimal Crossgrade
    will be lacking many of the new databases and resources necessary to
    use features like Biblical People, Biblical Places, Biblical Things, the
    new reverse interlinears, many of the sections of the Guides and the
    Home Page, Logos controlled vocabulary database of synonymous
    terminology, and other resources."



  • MD
    MD Member Posts: 6 ✭✭

    Thanks Pete...I think I understand what your saying, but need to make sure.  Are you saying that Logos is going to make all the new Android Tablet users (folks who don't plan to use the Mac/Windows version) buy a base package in order to access all the new/advanced features in the Android applications?  Are you sure you're not confusing the Android capabilities with the desktop versions?  For some reason, this just doesn't sound right.  Why would Logos make Android applications with free resources available and disable some of the features? 

    Again, I'm fairly new to Logos and just trying to test drive the products before committing to a base package.  It is fairly frustrating trying to understand where Logos is headed with all the different platform options. Especially, since they are moving so slow with development.

    Thanks again for everyone's help...MD

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,093

    Hi George

    Are you saying that Logos is going to make all the new Android Tablet users (folks who don't plan to use the Mac/Windows version) buy a base package in order to access all the new/advanced features in the Android applications? 

    I think this is the key question.

    It used to be the case that they were linked but I don't think it is at the moment.

    It would be good to get official clarification from Logos as to what - if anything - doesn't make on the mobile platforms due to the lack of a base package.

    I know there are some issues with not being able to download free resources but that's a separate point.


  • Pete Holzmann
    Pete Holzmann Member Posts: 115 ✭✭

    Based on long-term history, I think the key to understanding how this works is to recognize that Logos does not sell separate versions for different platforms. In fact, the software is free on all platforms.

    Buy a resource and (subject to publishers' licensing restrictions) that resource is available to you on all platforms, forever. Note that part of those licensing anomalies includes the fact that a few resources are available for free online but not free offline.

    How about paid-for "advanced features?" Well, those advanced features are unlocked when the related data resources are purchased. AFAIK, this too doesn't really have anything to do with Android vs iOS vs PC/Mac.

    And yes, at this time Logos has not made certain features available (on any platform) unless a certain minimal package has been purchased. Without that base purchase, the features don't work anywhere.

    I certainly relate to the desire to test drive. Perhaps someone who has more recent experience with coming on board can comment about the various methods available for kicking the Logos tires? I assume that if demos are not available, there are at least a variety of online product descriptions, etc.


  • MD
    MD Member Posts: 6 ✭✭

    Thanks Pete...great explanation and I understand completely.

    I can't say I'm a big fan of the Logos business model where I have to buy 100 resources to use only 5.  I did that ~10 years ago with the old Libronix Program and it was not a good experience.  Therefore, I am very hesitant to do that again.  I guess I'll be patient and wait until the full Android version comes on-line before committing to Logos.  Thanks again for the help.


  • I can't say I'm a big fan of the Logos business model where I have to buy 100 resources to use only 5.  I did that ~10 years ago with the old Libronix Program and it was not a good experience.  Therefore, I am very hesitant to do that again.  I guess I'll be patient and wait until the full Android version comes on-line before committing to Logos.

    Welcome [:)]

    Observation: many Libronix resources can be used in Logos 4 and Logos mobile apps, including http://biblia.com  Due to publisher restriction, a number of resources are not available for mobile use; Logos is negotiating with publishers.  Thankful for mobile access without needing to pay for resources again.  Also Thankful for Logos licensing change in 2009 so all software is free.

    Logos offers the minimal crossgrade => http://www.logos.com/minimalcrossgrade for Libronix resources that are not usable in Logos 4 (e.g. reverse interlinear bibles) plus new Logos 4 resources (e.g. Biblical People, Places, Things).

    Looking at Logos base package comparison => http://www.logos.com/comparison noted appropriate resources were needed for a variety of Bible Word Study features (e.g. Logos 4 Septuagint Translation needs Septuagint resource, which is included in Original Languages).

    On 11 May 2011, Logos developer replied => http://community.logos.com/forums/p/33158/247785.aspx#247785

    The iOS app no longer requires a base package to access purchased resources.

    Hence, should have option to purchase individual resources for use; recommend looking for mobile icon on product page before purchasing.  For example, the International Standard Version bible for $ 10 can be used on mobile apps.

    Likewise looking forward to Logos mobile app improvements on Android (and iOS), including feature parity (since Android is a bit behind iOS mobile app for features).

    For portable bible study with many powerful features, thread => Window 8 and Logos 4? may be interesting (current Android devices do not have as much hardware capability as ultrabooks)

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Pete Holzmann
    Pete Holzmann Member Posts: 115 ✭✭

    George: I too had a very old collection of original Logos resources.

    I purchased the Minimal Crossgrade... not only did that give me all the new features, most of my old resources were updated with improved/corrected versions. VERY nice result!