Loy - The Burning Question

For various reasons, many corners of the Missouri Synod have kept using their texts from the Predestination controversy. The other side has not done so, however. I put the initial English paper from Missouri Synod out a bit ago at http://community.logos.com/forums/t/44432.aspx as well some works by Walther related to it. I unable to find The Lutheran Standard or Columbus Theological Magazine online. I did find some issues of Altes und Neues, but, to be honest, I don't feel like editing a blackface German language journal.
But I found myself in Columbus for something and went by the Library for Trinity Lutheran Seminary, and they had all 30 volumes of the Columbus Theological Magazine in their stacks. I keyed in the lead article, which, while unsigned, is attributed to the Editor, Matthias Loy.
This article is both an introduction to the Magazine, as well as a critique of Missouri and a presentation of their side - mostly as an extended quote from a Century old Lutheran work.
"Ohio" did collect some key texts into a book "The Error of Modern Missouri". If you are interested in a more in depth presentation, that will be forthcoming soon. But this is a essay will let us hear a bit of Ohio in their own words.
Ken McGuire
EDIT: I should have said that this is from the Feb 1881 issue of The Columbus Theological Magazine. Page numbers are from the original journal.
The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann
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