Logos 4 App Crashes Consistently

Today, I tried multiple times to open the Logos app on my first Generation iPad, but it crashed every time -- generally while still displaying the Logos splash screen. The few times the library opened, the app crashed either when trying to open a resource or page through the resource. I uninstalled the app, re-installed, and still meet with the same results. As far as I know I don't have any large note or highlighting files that are causing the crashes. Seems like I updated the app several days ago, and today was the first time I've used it since that update. Has anyone else been having similar problems, and if so are there any plans to fix this bug? Right now I can't use Logos on my iPad at all, which really hurts.
- Is the Vyrso app having the same problem?
- What versions of the apps are you using?
- How much free space is on your device?
- What internet connection are you using? How fast & reliable is it?
- What computer are you using?
- What version of L4?
- When the app does open, what does it open to (if a resource, be very specific).
- Have you tried doing a full shut down of the device? (Hold both buttons down for several seconds to power down the iPad)
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Hi, Alabama. Thanks for the response! In answer to your questions:
- Is the Vyrso app having the same problem? No, the Vyrso app seems to be working just fine.
- What versions of the apps are you using? Version 2.1.3.
- How much free space is on your device? 8.6 GBs available out of 13.8.
- What internet connection are you using? How fast & reliable is it? Wifi, home network, with an extremely fast Charter cable internet connection.
- What computer are you using? HP laptop running Windows 7, 6 GB RAM, 2.30 GHz dual-core processor.
- What version of L4? 4.5b SR-1 (
- When the app does open, what does it open to (if a resource, be very specific). Baker New Testament Commentary on John, the last book I opened in the passage guide. Just now opened the Logos app, and thirty seconds later it shut down.
- Have you tried doing a full shut down of the device? (Hold both buttons down for several seconds to power down the iPad) Yes, twice.
Thanks for any help/advice you can offer.
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Ralph A. Abernethy III said:
When the app does open, what does it open to (if a resource, be very specific). Baker New Testament Commentary on John, the last book I opened in the passage guide. Just now opened the Logos app, and thirty seconds later it shut down.
Try opening up the app, immediately going to the library, open the ESV to Ruth. See if app still crashes.
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Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
I opened Ruth and paged through it. No crashes. What does this mean?
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Okay, I went back to the passage guide, opened up several resources, paged through them, and haven't experienced any crashes. Do you by some chance have a magic wand?!!!?
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Indeed, I DO have a magic wand. [:)]
I am guessing that there may be a bug or glitch in the resource. It may be related to a particular note at that passage. If you feel adventurous, feel free to go back to that resource & passage.
The reason I had you do the steps I gave you is that I wanted you to get out of the troublesome resource as quickly as possible and Ruth sounded good place to me. [:)]
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Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Another thing to consider: Was the Baker Commentary downloaded to your device? If so, you may want to delete it if you still have problems viewing it. You might be able to redownload it without problems. Let me know how it goes!
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Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Yes the Baker Commentary was downloaded, along with many another resource. But when I deleted the app yesterday, I lost all my downloads. Alas, so it goes! Thanks again![:D]
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"alabama24: "Indeed, I DO have a magic wand.
I am guessing that there may be a bug or glitch in the resource. It may be related to a particular note at that passage. If you feel adventurous, feel free to go back to that resource & passage." (Sorry I'm not familiar with the quoting on the iPad2.)Maybe a month ago I posted the Logos App was crashing whenever I opened The Reformation Study Bible on my iPad2. I forgot about until reading this post. I tried it today and it works perfectly fine! I didn't do anything different or make any changes to Logos.
I am just happy that it works and your magic wand waved over my direction.Thanks alabama24 for your magic wand
HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3
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macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0