The Biblical Illustrator - 65 books of the Bible (35 Volumes)



  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    pcslg said:

    I really appreciate to you that I am allowed to download this wonderful and useful commentary. It saved me a lot of time and effort. Thank you again.

    Welcome, Friend, to the Logos Community Forums where people from around the world help and inform and support one another in the usage of Logos Bible Software!             *smile*

                                        Peace to you, and we hope to hear from you again    ....    with a need      OR     a support of someone else           OR      just a friendly greeting!                        *smile*


    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • BillS
    BillS Member Posts: 3,805 ✭✭✭

    George said:

    I added the missing book.

    Dude! Thanks. Here it is with the Bible and page milestones (one has both, the other just Bible). 

    Thanks again, Robert, & thank you too, George!

    Grace & Peace,

    MSI GF63 8RD, I-7 8850H, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD, 2TB HDD, NVIDIA GTX 1050Max
    iPhone 12 Pro Max 512Gb
    iPad 9th Gen iOS 15.6, 256GB

  • Liam
    Liam Member Posts: 1,439 ✭✭✭

    No problem; I would be doing it for myself, anyway.

    Hey Robert, 

    I just noticed the incredible turnaround time it took you to insert these thousands of milestone tags. Do you mind if ask what your secret is for fast bible milestone tagging in personal books?

    (I've attempted this with a few favorite resources that aren't available in Logos but it takes months and months for me (albeit with limited free time) to tag them.)


  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭

    Liam said:

    Do you mind if ask what your secret is for fast bible milestone tagging in personal books?

    Hi Liam. Here we go:

    When i tag a large book with milestones (Bible [for commentaries] and Headword [for dictionaries] are about as elaborate as I get), I use Word's Find & Replace function.The biggest challenge is determining the best Find strategy. To be considered:

    • When tagging a commentary for only one book, the task is simpler, since you can use the book name (as expressed or abbreviated in the resource) as part of the Find What text.
    • Is the font size and attribute (e.g. bold or italic) unique in the places to be tagged? If you’ll need the paragraph mark in the Find What text and you need to use the font size, the paragraph mark will also need to have the same font size (they don’t always; I don’t know why).
    • When using wildcards, the alpha characters in Find What are case sensitive.
    • You might run across some citations formatted in Small Caps attribute or All Caps attribute. This is important to know, since Word is looking for alpha characters as they are entered, not as they are represented in the formatted word. For example the Biblical Illustrator uses Small Caps. A citation in 1 Timothy looks like “1TI”, but since the font has the attribute of Small Caps, Word will find it as “1Ti”. Note: you wouldn’t necessary use those attributes in the Find specification itself, just be aware of how they affect how Word finds alphas.
    • If the book name and the “:” colon and the paragraph mark, etc., are used consistently, then you might not need to care about font sizes.

    When I tagged the Biblical Illustrator, once I reviewed for those conditions, I clicked Replace on the Home tab (the right end). Let’s say I was tagging the 1 Timothy volume, “1Ti” as abbreviated in the resource (even though it looks like 1TI). Initially, I would think to use “1Ti *:*” (no quotes and that’s a space between Ti and *) in the Find What box. You probably know the * is the wildcard for any number of any characters. This would be simple and I would use “[[@Bible:^&]]^&” in the Replace With box. “^&” is the code for the entire text found in Find What. This would be a simple way. However, it wouldn’t work for us here, because it would find only up to the “:”, since the last * wouldn’t have an endpoint to delimit it (such as a paragraph mark). I show this here to illustrate the simpler approach first.

    The search term we need to use is “(1Ti *:*)(^13)”. The ^13 is the code for the paragraph mark. The parentheses delimit the Find What term into identifiable pieces. The first part is the Bible citation that will need to be in the milestone and the second part is the paragraph mark we needed in the find term, but would mess up the milestone if included. The verbal equivalent of these parameters is “find all places where 1Ti[space] are the first four characters followed by a string of characters, followed by : , then another string of characters terminated by a paragraph mark”. Click the More button and check Use Wildcards.

    In the Replace What box, we need “[[@Bible:\1]]\1\2” (no quotes). The “\1” and “\2” are placeholders for what is found in the first and second parentheses delimited terms, respectively. The result would be a citation like “1Ti 3:8” (followed by a paragraph mark) being tagged as “[[@Bible:1Ti 3:8]]1Ti 3:8” (followed by a paragraph mark).

    I would test it like this:

    1. Enter the find and replace terms, etc.
    2. Click Find Next. If you’re happy with the Find result, click Replace.
      1. Word does the replace and moves on to the next search hit.
      2. Click back into the document  and click the Undo button. This takes you back to the original find. Click the Redo button and you’ll be able to see the implemented milestone.
      3. After examining a few of these, take the Moody Blues’ advice and Breathe Deep and then click the Replace All button.

    If all goes well, you’ve tagged the resource for Bible milestones.

    Additional Tips:

    • Save your document in between major surgeries, but you already know this
    • Click the Show/Hide button on the Home Tab to show paragraph marks, tab marks, non-breaking space marks (looks like a degree symbol), and other marks that might be useful in your search terms. The button has the paragraph symbol ¶
    • The Special button on the Replace dialog box shows more of these non-alpha marks in the document.
    • You might need to do some Googling when stuck, since Word’s help system, in most cases, is utterly hapless.

    In addition to all the long-winded stuff above, I have a tool that I use to manually tag (i.e. without using Find & Repace) Bible milestones. It is based on some code that Steve Clark did a few years ago, to which I added some things. Basically, you select the just (and only) the passage citation and click the button to which you assign the code. It’s a fairly quick way to tag a few isolated citations. If you know how to use the Visual Basic Editor, you can copy the code below into a module and assign the macro to a button. Here’s the code:


    Sub RMW_edit_Bible_Milestone()


    ' Bible_Milestone Macro

    'Dim oRng As Range

    Dim i1 As Integer

    Dim BCV As String

    i1 = Application.Selection.End - Application.Selection.Start

    If i1 = 0 Then

        With Selection

            .Text = "[[@Bible: ]]"

            .Start = .End - 3

            .End = .Start

        End With


        If Right(Selection.Text, 1) = " " Then

            BCV = Trim(Selection.Text)

            With Selection

                .Text = "[[@Bible:" + BCV + "]]" + BCV + " "

            End With

        ElseIf Right(Selection.Text, 1) = Chr(13) Then

            BCV = Trim(Left(Selection.Text, Len(Selection.Text) - 1))

            With Selection

                .Text = "[[@Bible:" + BCV + "]]" + BCV + Chr(13)

            End With


            BCV = Trim(Selection.Text)

            With Selection

                .Text = "[[@Bible:" + BCV + "]]" + BCV

            End With

        End If

    End If


    End Sub


    I hope this is helpful in getting you started. And I hope you still have a will to live after this long post.

    EDIT: I just noticed our old buddy Milford in this thread, so I must add a tribute:


    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)


  • Liam
    Liam Member Posts: 1,439 ✭✭✭

    Wow! This is great Robert! I'll have to sit down and read this in detail when I have time to start on my next commentary tagging project! I was completely unaware of the Find and Replace tool in Word! I'm a dummy when it comes to any kind of programming, but maybe I'll learn to use the code below as well some day! 

    Thanks again Robert, this is great!

  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭

    Good Afternoon:

    I'm resurrecting this old thread in order to inform that I have removed the Biblical Illustrator files from my Dropbox folders.

    I had not realized until recently that these volumes are now in Community Pricing. (  and )  It would be kind of tacky of me to leave them up while Logos is trying to get bids to get them into production.

    I think if you have used the PBs a lot, you're going to want to pony up the 100 bucks to try to get real Logos editions, anyway.

    I'll thank George again for providing them.

    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)


  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    I'm resurrecting this old thread in order to inform that I have removed the Biblical Illustrator files from my Dropbox folders.

    Thank you for having provided them. 

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Peter Bongers
    Peter Bongers Member Posts: 25 ✭✭

    Just wondering if there is any possible chance of getting this "re-upped" for those of us who may have had a hard-drive crash and wish to re-compile all of our PBBs? Just sayin'. [:P]

  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭

    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)


  • Mattillo
    Mattillo Member Posts: 6,199 ✭✭✭✭

    Wow I don't know how I missed this thread but judging by the age of it that explains it.  If the link ever becomes active again I'd love to see your PB Robert.  I don't know much about the Biblical illustrator but I will attempt to look into it.

  • Robert M. Warren
    Robert M. Warren Member Posts: 2,459 ✭✭✭


    I had removed the links that I put on the Forum, since Logos is trying to market this set in CP. However, I think it's fine for you to request the new link I made for Pastor Peter via my email, which can be found on my Faithlife profile. Technically, it's still using the Forum, but doesn't seem quite so brazen.


    I think all the Dropbox links I put here are now dead.

    macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)


  • José Dos Reis
    José Dos Reis Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Hello Friend. You can send me the full commentary Biblical Ilustrator Exell, Joseph S. email: Thank you.