Request for help with Alexander Campbell's "Christian Baptist" Journal Vol 4, #6

Calvin Habig
Calvin Habig Member Posts: 442 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

To whomever is interested:

I have had Alexander Campbell's 7-volume journal "The Christian Baptist" done for more than six months.  Done, that is...except for vol 4, #6 (January 1, 1827).   Hans Rollman's Restoration Movement site (which has since been taken down Sad) didn't have an html copy of that number.  The only copies I have are pdfs of such bad quality it basically requires me to retype the entire number, with which teaching seven college classes, doing professional coaching for ministers and an interim ministry (and keeping a wife happy) has simply been beyond my reach time-wise.  I would love to share this important (at least in the eyes of us in the Stone-Campbell movement) resource, but hate to put it up lacking one months material. 

Does anyone either have an html copy of that number (Jan. 1, 1827) or a doc/docx copy, or the time/willingness to take a pdf (attached) and transfer it to a docx?  I can compile and publish it with the rest.

Thanks for any help anyone can give.

0652.The_Christian_Baptist v4 No 6.pdf



  • EmileB
    EmileB Member Posts: 235 ✭✭

    Hi Calvin!

    So sorry it has taken so long to respond. I just now saw this post. i will be happy to undertake this project for you if no one else has responded. Just give me the word.

    Any recommendations... is it better to try to convert the pdf and then fix the resultant errors, or simply to retype the entire document?
