Jonathan Edwards Most Used Commentary - Doddridge

The Commentary JE used most was Philip Doddridge's Family Expositor. I have made a docx on it for Romans 1-8:4. This is an amazing work including Doddridge's own helpful paraphrase (basically a puritan version of AMP or Message), Doddridge's notes (essentually a puritan study Bible) and his devotions (he calls them improvements) after each section of scripture. This work is essentually a puritan paraphrase, study Bible, and devotional all in one. It is really inexpensive on community pricing here:
If anyone knows how to make PBs and wants to start a project, please feel free to get further on this! I've been going on this one but it's been a long haul, and I think other people here on the forums know how to do it more quickly and easily. The original document can be found here: I think there are lots of people who would absolutely love this commentary but have never heard of it. It's really hard to find in book form!