My Pentecostal Essentials List

Here's the beginning of my Pentecostal essentials that I hope and pray Logos adds to their resources. Since Arminian/Wesleyan theology is often an important part of Pentecostal theology and doesn't have it's own thread, I'm going to add some from that category as well. I'll update it every so often if that's okay.
Full Life Bible Commentary to the NT
In Light of Eternity - The Life of Leonard Ravenhill
More later.
Here's a resource I'd love to have in Logos, written by many of my Professors from CBC.
The reason I think this book is so great is that it's all about the abuses in "Spiritual Warfare", but yet written from a traditionally Pentecostal perspective that doesn't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
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Has anyone done a thorough listing of what is available in Logos? I am learning more about Logos, but I do not see a quick listing for Pentecostal, full gospel, charismatic etc. I also want to say Hi to everyone.
Roger {BlueBird}
Rog {BlueBird}
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Roger G Black said:
Has anyone done a thorough listing of what is available in Logos? I am learning more about Logos, but I do not see a quick listing for Pentecostal, full gospel, charismatic etc.
Here's the listing on Logos's website for Pentecostal/Charismatic:
You can get to this list from the main Products page, in the left sidebar menu, under Christian Group. It's the fourth largest selection there, after Evangelical, Reformed, and Catholic, with over 400 resources available. You can then sort and/or filter that listing by other criteria.
There is also Andrew Baguley's latest list of Theology/Denomination tags, which includes a list of authors whose books Logos carries and who have been identified as Pentecostal:
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Thank you very much. Both links were very helpful.
Roger {BlueBird} [8-|]
Rog {BlueBird}
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Hello Roger. Glad to see this thread revived. As you mentioned, Rosie did a great job giving you the links. Overall, as much as I like Logos I do feel they have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to their Pentecostal/Charismatic offerings. It's woefully small when compared to the Reformed/Calvinistic material they offer. There's so much more that I think they could offer, and that actually is offered in other bible software. So I hope we see growth in 2014 with this somewhat neglected aspect of the study materials they offer.