4.0a Beta 5 Release Notes

Bradley Grainger (Logos)
Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,061

Logos 4.0a Beta 5 (v4.01.3.4317) was released last night.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug in index merging that could cause a crash when searching by rank
  • Fixed bug preventing LSF files from being discovered/opened
  • Made "compact" view of Cited By more compact
  • Analysis renders Louw-Nida numbers more concisely
  • Fixed bugs displaying analysis results for NASB95 (e.g., “innocent blood”), LGNTI, NA27INT
  • Fixed bug restoring a maximized window on Vista/7
  • May have fixed crash pressing Esc in Drawing Mode
  • Fixed crash in GlobalHotKeys.Dispose when closing the application
  • Application attempts to detect index corruption and then reindexes (instead of merging, which can crash)
  • Fixed crash when merging an empty index
  • Fixed incorrect query completion when transliterated Hebrew term starts with punctuation
  • Fixed bug preventing note from being saved when a hyperlink is added


For Beta 4 release notes, see http://community.logos.com/forums/t/6806.aspx


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