Crash: Logos 5.1 SR-1 Clause Search of Hebrew on OS X

Follow-up to thread => Search God saying "I will" experienced Logos 5.1 SR-1 crashing for a clause search in Hebrew for:

subject:God verb-morph:

On OS X 10.8.4, pop-up to select morph code(s) does not appear.

Reply => has screen shot with Greek clause search.  Copy clause search to new panel and change to Hebrew is followed by a crash.

Keep Smiling [:)]


  • Angela Murashov
    Angela Murashov Member Posts: 1,532 ✭✭✭

    I can reproduce this issue and I have created a case for Development.

  • Angela Murashov
    Angela Murashov Member Posts: 1,532 ✭✭✭

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    experienced Logos 5.1 SR-1 crashing for a clause search in Hebrew for:

    subject:God verb-morph:

    This will be fixed in 5.1 SR-2.