OT - Another Win for Genesis
MJ. Smith said:
Note: this post is not specifically about this post - rather it is about several posts that I have recently read that fall under "if I only saw myself as others see me I would have ...)
Greg Masone said:P.S. - To the pseudo-forum moderators: I apologize for taking it back here again.
Ah, do you mean me? If so, no apology needed. However, may I get on a soap box? Er ... hand me a megaphone too. One think I think all of us need to consider: With the new release, the traffic on the forums has increased exponentially. Many people are using the forums for the first time - and often using the forums because they are puzzled or frustrated. How we present ourselves - reasoning or bigoted, factual or inflammatory ... you can easily add several additional pairs to the list - determines whether or not they wish to join the Logos community. If our words and actions do not reflect God's word, why should they believe Logos assists in the study of Scripture.
I will now step down off the soap box (and the invisible high horse), wish everyone a joyous celebration of the incarnation and surrender the megaphone.
Truly, A Blessed Christmas to you and your Loved Ones, Martha! Truly! I thank God for you and all the gifts He has given you!
In the Name of the Prince of Peace .................. Mel
Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........
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Greg Masone said:
I went to John's blog assuming he was an upright individual who could sustain an honest conversation. Instead my replies were deleted, with only his remaining. That is why John took it out, so he could strong-arm the last word with feathery rhetoric. if his victory was so certain, as he maintains, he would leave my sayings up as a trophy and warning to his superior logic and argument.
OR, if you had said something of substance you could have posted THAT here, instead of this stuff. Then you could have shown everyone that I was trying to hide your superior logic and argument.
What you post here is the essence of what you posted on my blog: all those YECers (and those in between, like myself) are "dumbed down by ignorance and fear, with people snubbing their noses at those who are the real open-minded among us [you]" they are "arrogant" and "selfish"
And of course you're always the victim. Like you said in one of your comments: they "attack" you and, as you repeat here, they slander and make fun of you. You're just a poor open-minded, downtrodden fella going where the evidence leads and anyone who disagrees might as well be Satan incarnate, or maybe just his dumb hick cousin.
Of course, you were a bit more coarse on my blog, stating things like I was an easy target and that I should "grow a pair" (I guess I should thank you for leaving out the vulgar part). Am I being dishonest about anything I've said here?
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MJ. Smith said:
If our words and actions do not reflect God's word, why should they believe Logos assists in the study of Scripture.
Once again I'm reminded of this; it's a weakness of mine.
Thank you for pointing it out and may i think before i type next time....
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki: http://wiki.logos.com/Table_of_Contents__
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MJ. Smith said:
With the new release, the traffic on the forums has increased exponentially. Many people are using the forums for the first time - and often using the forums because they are puzzled or frustrated. How we present ourselves - reasoning or bigoted, factual or inflammatory ... you can easily add several additional pairs to the list - determines whether or not they wish to join the Logos community. If our words and actions do not reflect God's word, why should they believe Logos assists in the study of Scripture.
Thanks, Martha! I'd been praying about what to say, but you've said it.
May the joy of Christ be yours, today.
Grace & Peace,
MSI GF63 8RD, I-7 8850H, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD, 2TB HDD, NVIDIA GTX 1050Max
iPhone 12 Pro Max 512Gb
iPad 9th Gen iOS 15.6, 256GB0 -
Bill Stonebraker said:MJ. Smith said:
With the new release, the traffic on the forums has increased exponentially. Many people are using the forums for the first time - and often using the forums because they are puzzled or frustrated. How we present ourselves - reasoning or bigoted, factual or inflammatory ... you can easily add several additional pairs to the list - determines whether or not they wish to join the Logos community. If our words and actions do not reflect God's word, why should they believe Logos assists in the study of Scripture.
Thanks, Martha! I'd been praying about what to say, but you've said it.
May the joy of Christ be yours, today.
True. Logos is just a tool. It can't teach you how to think or be more spiritual. Like any tool, it can be used to one's gain or loss, for good or evil, the same as the internet, the radio, the television, and heavy metal.
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Alex Scott said:
Having had a long time interest in astronomy since I was a kid, I follow new developments in the field with interest, especially as they intersect with the Bible. They have now discovered over 400 planets surrounding different stars, most of them much, much larger than our own earth - more like the giant, outer planets of our own system.
Sheesh!! All I wanted to do was share something with those that might be interested.....[:(]
Longtime Logos user (more than $30,000 in purchases) - now a second class user because I won't pay them more every month or year.
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Greg Masone said:
Gravity is still a theory.
Just letting you know.....
As my daughter Physics teacher is fond of saying, "Gravity: it is not just a theory. It's the LAW."
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Alex Scott said:
Sheesh!! All I wanted to do was share something with those that might be interested.....
For one, I was interested enjoyed reading it... am always interested in things of that genre...
Blessings, Alex!
Grace & Peace,
MSI GF63 8RD, I-7 8850H, 32GB RAM, 1TB SSD, 2TB HDD, NVIDIA GTX 1050Max
iPhone 12 Pro Max 512Gb
iPad 9th Gen iOS 15.6, 256GB0 -
Alex Scott said:
Having had a long time interest in astronomy since I was a kid, I follow new developments in the field with interest, especially as they intersect with the Bible. They have now discovered over 400 planets surrounding different stars, most of them much, much larger than our own earth - more like the giant, outer planets of our own system.
Just recently however, they have discovered a much smaller planet, albeit several times larger than earth, but the interesting thing to me is that this may be a planet surrounded by water. If that is the case, that may be a typical situation of smaller planets in what is known as the hospitable zone around a star. Which gets back to the early verses of Genesis where it looks like the early earth was totally surrounded by water.
Obviously there was no one around at that stage, so how could the ancients have known such a thing apart from revelation. Seems the more science discovers, the more it confirms the Genesis account.
Here are a couple of links for those interested (unfortunately I can't find the first one I saw).
Gee, surrounded by water. I guess Gen 9.8-17 only applies to the earth. Did they see an ark on the waters? [;)]
gfsomselיְמֵי־שְׁנוֹתֵינוּ בָהֶם שִׁבְעִים שָׁנָה וְאִם בִּגְבוּרֹת שְׁמוֹנִים שָׁנָה וְרָהְבָּם עָמָל וָאָוֶן
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George Somsel said:
I guess Gen 9.8-17 only applies to the earth.
Kind of sound like it, doesn't it? "This is the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth.”
Longtime Logos user (more than $30,000 in purchases) - now a second class user because I won't pay them more every month or year.