Getting rid of Excerpts from Home page

Is there a way to turn these off? I tried unclicking each box under customize, but they're still there. The home page is also fairly slow to update when I make changes (especially compared to how fast everything else is!)
Would love it if I could right click the "news" item and have some options like ...
1. Remove
2. Move to X page
3. Open
4. Copy
Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0 -
David B Phillips said:
Is there a way to turn these off?
Would love to know the answer to that also, the way the home page is at the moment I won't ever use it, i find it totally unussable with all this stuff just thrown all over the place, very confusing and not good on the eye.
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I totally agree. The home page is confusing, lacking any sense of arrangement. A slice of this, a bit of that. No rhym no reason.
Mac Pro 13 Retina 8GB, 256 flash
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While I don't use the home page for study...I did notice that it brought my attention to items that I wouldn't have noticed otherwise by searching or picking through my library...
in any can just "hit the home button" to make it go away and use the "customize>uncheck show at startup" option from the lower left while the homepage is showing to turn it off.
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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The Home Page is intentionally designed to be like a newspaper. It's not done -- when it is you'll see more "excerpts" related to your daily reading or lectionary entry, as well as some other features.
Power users (like most of you in the beta program) tell us they want to get right to their content, or right back to what they were studying before. That's why we let you turn off the Home Page. But we've also heard from many users (and people who purchase, but have a hard time becoming regular users) that they want to get intot he Bible, but just don't know where to start. So our hope is that the Home Page can offer them a variety of options, ranging from articles on Bible study (coming) to interesting excerpts and media that will draw them into the product and get them started.
When Reading Lists are fully implemented, they'll appear here to, giving people a way to get started using their library.0 -
I have to admit when I first opened the program I was a bit taken aback when I saw what was on the home page. When I took the time to look through it later though, a couple of articles tweaked my interest - I think it's a good feature. There's lots of times I'm just casting about for something to do or read and this will a good choice.
Longtime Logos user (more than $30,000 in purchases) - now a second class user because I won't pay them more every month or year.
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I also agree that it's a good feature; It took a day to grow on me but like the other poster...I ended up reading some things that I wouldn't have normally....
Robert Pavich
For help go to the Wiki:
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I would suggest that you place a button on the home page which will allow the user to go to the traditional home page in 3.0f.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Thanks for the explanation. I'm among those who feel pain when the home page opens but your explanation makes sense and I look forward to seeing how this turns out as development continues.0 -
Chris Roberts said:
Bob, Thanks for the explanation. I'm among those who feel pain when the home page opens but your explanation makes sense and I look forward to seeing how this turns out as development continues.
The idea is good but the implenation means it does not work for me, it is too much on they eye, maybe as someone one suggested some shades of colour to distiguish between the articles but at the moment it is just to much on the eye, also maybe an option to control the amount of extracts shown , i noticed if you have everything turned on it can go on for pages. I prefer, and so do my eyes, a more controlled, structured enviorment where there is a clear pattern for my eyes to follow rather thn just bits and pieces splashed all over the place. Also maybe the ability to tone done the bright white background might make it a little more easier on the eye, but as it stands its just way too much information for the eyes to process at once.