BUG: Loading a layout with an audio resource loads playing

To create problem: Create a layout with Sing and Learn New Testament Greek or Basics of Biblical Greek Vocabulary as a pane and in the front.

Problem: Loading the layout causes the audio resource to automatically start playing. This is annoying. The default behavior should not be to automatically play, but to wait for the user to click the play button. Making a layout with two audio resources in the front and then loading it causes them both to play. 

Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church


  • Angela Murashov
    Angela Murashov Member Posts: 1,532 ✭✭✭

    Problem: Loading the layout causes the audio resource to automatically start playing. This is annoying. The default behavior should not be to automatically play, but to wait for the user to click the play button. Making a layout with two audio resources in the front and then loading it causes them both to play. 

    I can reproduce this issue and I will create a case for Development.