Is There Really a Patristic Critique of Icons?

NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,126
edited November 2024 in English Forum

This file has been converted from a blogpost here. With the exception of links and some quotations put in italics for better readability, I tried to preserve the article as it was.

7840.On Behalf of All.Is There Really a Patristic Critique of Icons.docx

In the blog you'll find the picture I retained for the resource: 

The author has given permission.

My resource description was taken from a site hosting an audio-version of the article (linked from the PB title) and reads:

Gabe Martini, the editor-in-chief of On Behalf of All, a blog on Orthodox Christianity in the English-speaking world, a subdeacon at Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Church in Bellingham, Washington, and the Product Manager for Orthodox, Lutheran, and Reformed resources for Logos Bible Software, responds to an article that appeared on The Calvinist International about the supposed patristic critique of icons. 

I have tried to identify Logos resources and other links as possible, unfortunately two or three works are cited often that (to the best of my knowledge) are not yet in Logos. Please be aware that I identified ECF sources with logosres-links to the catholic editions - it is possible to change these links in Word to the protestant edition by taking out the rc from links going to e.g. anfrc03. Something to consider would be a revision to logosref-links.

I assigned subjects: Icons; Iconoclasm; Iconodulism; Eastern Orthodox; Early Church Fathers


Have joy in the Lord! Smile

