Missing Puritan Works - another partial list
Now Joel Beeke's Meet the Puritans is available in Logos, we've got a one-stop resource to create a wishlist of Puritan publications! It's a big job to go through it all, but here's how we're going on the 'A's:
Here's what we have already:
- Thomas Adams, Complete Works — in prepub
- Thomas Adams, A Commentary on the Second Epistle General of St. Peter — available
- Henry Airay, Lectures upon the Whole Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians — available
But here's what we're missing:
- Henry Ainsworth, Annotations on the Pentateuch
- Joseph Alleine, Act of Conformity
- Joseph Alleine, A Sure Guide to Heaven
- Joseph Alleine, The Life and Letters of Joseph Alleine
- Joseph Alleine, The Precious Promises of the Gospel
- Richard Alleine, Heaven Opened: The Riches of God’s Covenant
- Richard Alleine, Instructions About Heart-work
- Richard Alleine, The World Conquered by the Faithful Christian
- Vincent Alsop, Practical Godliness: The Ornament of All Religion
- Isaac Ambrose, The Christian Warrior: Wrestling with Sin, Satan, the World, and the Flesh
- Isaac Ambrose, Looking Unto Jesus
- William Ames, Conscience, with the Power and Cases Thereof
- William Ames, The Marrow of Theology
- William Ames, Technometry
- Robert Asty, A Treatise of Rejoicing in the Lord Jesus in All Cases and Conditions
What's interesting about this list, is that Beeke doesn't give a full bibliography for each author, but just those books which have been reprinted recently. That may give some indication of demand. That said, in Logos it would be better to have Complete Works where they exist, as you can presumably hunt down second hand copies of older volumes.
If you were looking to prioritise that list, Joseph Alleine should be top, in my opinion.
Does anyone else fancy taking a look at the 'B's?
This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!
I would like to suggest Logos to publish a guidebook of Puritan works which is an index book. It arranges many puritan works according to topics, authors, biblical passages. Thinking of Logos's key feature of interlinking to resources one has, it would be a great add to it.
A Guide to the Puritans: Robert P. Martin
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Mark, I like the idea of listing all the puritan works here! Unfortuanately I don't own Joel Beake's works so I can't contribute! I eventually want to go through this list and get all the puritan commentaries, sermons, and expositions I can find, especially ones for each Biblical book that I working my way to study through.
Hojune, "A Guide to the Puritans" looks great! How comprehensive is the Biblical index?
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Liam, here I quote from Geoff. Thomas about the book.
"The subtitle informs the reader of what this books consists: "A topical and textual index to writings of the Puritans and some of their successors recently in print." The bulk of the book consists of a Topical Index of 263 pages and a Scripture Index of almost 200 pages."
Thinking of the fact we already have many sets of prominent Puritans from Logos and they continue to publish their works as Mark suggests, the Dr. Martin's work would be extremely useful.
I put the link which leads you to the page where introduction of Dr. Martin to the book is.
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Liam, thanks to the fact we have already a few sets of some prominent Puritans in Logos edition and that, as Mark suggests, they continue to publish Puritan works, the book of Dr. Martin would be extremely useful.
Here I quote from an article of Geoff. Thomas on the book:
"The subtitle informs the reader of what this book consists: "A topical and textual index to writings of the Puritans and some of their successors recently in print." The bulk of the book consists of a Topical Index of 263 pages and a Scripture Index of almost 200 pages."
Here is the link to the page you can read the introduction of Dr. Martin in the book.
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Hey Hojune, Thanks for the heads up on this book! I just ordered it on Amazon. I'd prefer it in Logos, but the print will do for now! It's extremely difficult to know what puritans wrote on which sections of Scripture, and which topics. This looks like an excellent resource for navigating through them all! Thanks again!
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Not sure if we're quite done with Thomas Adams just yet - his most famous work isn't included:
"Adam's popular Lectures on the Church Catechism (1753) stressed the urgency of personal, inward conversion and profoundly influenced William Romaine. Besides his published sermons and biblical commentaries, his Works were collected posthumously in three volumes (1786). His most important posthumous publication was Private Thoughts on Religion (3rd edn, 1803). These entries from his diary have an aphoristic quality and were organized by his editors, in the manner of Pascal's Pensées, under various headings. The book remained in print in Great Britain and America throughout the nineteenth century and was translated into several foreign languages. Such diverse men as Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Reginald Heber, Thomas Chalmers, and John Stuart Mill paid tribute to the searching power of Adam's ‘thoughts’."
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (2004).
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Hojune said:
I would like to suggest Logos to publish a guidebook of Puritan works which is an index book. It arranges many puritan works according to topics, authors, biblical passages. Thinking of Logos's key feature of interlinking to resources one has, it would be a great add to it.
A Guide to the Puritans: Robert P. Martin
I found a resource online that is very similar to this work by Martin. The PCA Historical Center has a list of hundreds of Puritan works by Scripture reference!
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Thank you Liam. It looks great! I hope Logos would make the book available. I think there is no better environment than Logos in the market for the book to prove its worth.
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