"See Inside" Table of Contents inadequate for Vyrso books
The Table of Contents that is shown for Vyrso books when you click the TOC icon in "See Inside" view
is only the top level of the TOC:
This is inadequate when the book is a collection of essays by various authors, and when there are sub-levels to the chapter hierarchy. If it's impossible to replicate the complete structure of the TOC in this view, then all the actual page(s) from the book that show the "Contents" should be shown in the sample pages.
For this book above, here's what the actual TOC looks like in Amazon's Kindle preview. I shouldn't have to jump over to amazon.com to see what's inside a Vyrso book before deciding to buy it.
This is the book in question in this particular instance. But I've seen this shortcoming multiple times.
Thanks for the suggestion Rosie! I'll talk with the team and see if there is anything we can do to improve "See Inside" in the short term.