NOW AVAILABLE: Lutheran Base Packages



  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    mike said:

    when I purchased Anglican Diamond for $1500, the price of Lutheran Gold only went down $20ish .. (I don't believe it is correct, but I might be wrong)

    There's very little overlap between the two, so I wouldn't expect the price to drop hardly at all. Remember you're only paying about $2/volume in base packages,* so by this calculation, you'd expect the overlap for you to be about 10 volumes. Do you think it's more than that? (By overlap for you, I mean the resources in both packages that you didn't previously own.)

    * Discounts are calculated by value, not by count, so this is an inaccurate science unless you're prepared to add up the value of every resource.

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • mike
    mike Member Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭

    are you sure just 10 volumes that overlap between Anglican & Lutheran? I don't know Mark, it seems like it should be more than 10 I think.. but I'm not sure. $20 just doesn't seem right for me.

    I think these product managers should've created the "what's new to you" page and all like Logos 5 upgrade page thingy BEFORE they roll out the sale to avoid all these confusions.

  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    mike said:

    are you sure just 10 volumes that overlap between Anglican & Lutheran?

    No, I'm not saying that. There are dozens and dozens that overlap. But most of the overlapping ones you presumably already owned prior to buying either Anglican or Lutheran (probably because you owned another base package). Lutheran would only reduce in price for volumes that overlapped and you didn't previously own. I've obviously got no way of knowing how many volumes that was for you, though in my case the overlap was precisely zero (I asked my rep for a 'new to me' list for Lutheran Gold and Anglican Diamond, and there was no overlap).

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    mike: Have you considered asking your salesman to check it out? OR customer service?

    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    Peace, Gabe!          *smile*                         Well-Done!              You've worked hard!                     And very wonderfully!

                  Also, just for the "fun of it" I put one of those numbers into the search (find!) box and was so very pleasantly surprised (almost!) that the number took me to the correct resource!

                                                 Very clever!     Haven't really noticed that before!              Thanks again!            God Bless You!

    We'll be reaching out to people in your situation over the next few weeks to give them a chance to do the same before those other pre-pub and CP items ship individually.

    Is there a list handy at the moment?

    This should be everything still on Pre-Publication or Community Pricing that is included in the Lutheran Base Packages (at some level). We will be contacting those who bid/pre-ordered any of the following, giving them a chance to upgrade (and likely save) by getting a full Lutheran Base Package instead.

    25401     John Laurence von Mosheim Collection (7 vols.)
    28573     Milton Valentine Theological Studies Collection (5 vols.)
    31627     T&T Clark Lutheran Studies Collection
    33782     Elements of Dogmatic History
    33786     System of the Christian Certainty
    33936     Select Works of George Henry Gerberding (3 vols.)
    33984     Church History (3 vols.)
    34154     Lutheran Hymns and Prayer Books (4 vols.)
    34155     The Lutheran Commentary (12 vols.)
    34156     The Groundwork of a System of Evangelical Lutheran Theology
    34159     The Lutheran Cyclopedia
    34177     Select Works of Franklin Weidner (3 vols.)
    34181     Lutheran History Collection (4 vols.)
    34184     Select Works of Franz Delitzsch (2 vols.)
    35403     Charles Porterfield Krauth Collection (6 vols.)
    35479     Hours of Spiritual Refreshment
    35483     Gerhard's Sacred Meditations
    36278     Select Works of Jaroslav Pelikan (2 vols.)
    36286     True Christianity
    36287     The Philosophy of History
    36290     Select Studies in Martin Luther's Life and Influence, Part 1 (15 vols.)
    36291     Select Studies in Martin Luther’s Life and Influence, Part 2 (14 vols.)
    36300     Lutheran Confessional Studies Collection (6 vols.)
    36301     Select Works of August Hermann Francke (3 vols.)
    36303     System of Christian Ethics
    36304     The Articles of Faith of the Holy Evangelical Church: Forty Sermons
    36305     The Bible and Astronomy: An Exposition of the Biblical Cosmology
    36382     Lutheran Comparative Religious Studies (3 vols.)
    36424     Lutheran Liturgical Studies Collection (6 vols.)
    38269     Select Studies in Martin Luther’s Life and Influence (29 vols.)

    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • mike
    mike Member Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭

    why isn't Luther Works included in the package? shouldn't this be a MUST?

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,475

    mike said:

    why isn't Luther Works included in the package? shouldn't this be a MUST?

    Editted: The combination of posts from a Logos employee and from a Logos user led me to believe that negotiations with Concordia proved to be a problem.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Alex Bui
    Alex Bui Member Posts: 225 ✭✭

    mike said:

    why isn't Luther Works included in the package? shouldn't this be a MUST?

    I have the same question.  I hope other publishers work with Logos to bring in more Lutheran resources so we will have the Lutheran Platinum Package. 

  • abondservant
    abondservant Member Posts: 4,796 ✭✭✭

    Gabe is there such a list for the Reformed Base Package?

    From another thread:

    • Matthew Poole’s Commentary on the Holy Bible (3 vols.)
    • Classic Studies on the Scottish Church History (11 vols.)
    • Classic Studies on John Knox (15 vols.)
    • Select Works of Geerhardus Vos (14 vols.)
    • The Works of Charles Hodge (29 vols.)
    • Reformed Dogmatics (5 vols.) by Vos


    L2 lvl4 (...) WORDsearch, all the way through L10,

  • tom
    tom Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    The combination of posts from a Logos employee and from a Logos user led me to believe that Concordia proved to be a problem. As the user said "we LCMS don't play well together" - or something to that effect. My new ELCA minister daughter-in-law laughingly confirmed that over lunch today.

    I too grinned when I read his remarks.  While "LCMS don't play well with others" (my paraphrase of his statement), they are by far not the only group within Christianity that "doesn't play well with others."  

    For me, this is very sad.  While we do have our differences, what binds us together is by far greater than our differences.

  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    Peace and Joy and Blessings and Good Will to my Sisters and Brothers on these Logos Community Forums!


                 My original post has been edited (favourably!) because the original purpose of my original post changed!             For the vastly better, eh?!


    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    post deleted

    in deference to my brother Milford Charles Murphy

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    Peace, Matthew!                   My Dear Brother!                                    You are getting -- Praise God!!! -- wiser Every Day, eh?!

                                                        I Pray that Nina and your family would agree as they love you -- and you love them! -- Day by Day!

                                                                 Thank you very much!  Your concerns for the welfare of our Logos Forums are appreciated by me!  *smile*

    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • tom
    tom Member Posts: 3,213 ✭✭✭

    tom said:

    MJ. Smith said:

    The combination of posts from a Logos employee and from a Logos user led me to believe that Concordia proved to be a problem. As the user said "we LCMS don't play well together" - or something to that effect. My new ELCA minister daughter-in-law laughingly confirmed that over lunch today.

    I too grinned when I read his remarks.  While "LCMS don't play well with others" (my paraphrase of his statement), they are by far not the only sect of Christianity that "doesn't play well with others."  

    For me, this is very sad.  While we do have our differences, what binds us together is by far greater than our differences.

    Peace, Tom!                 Blessings and Every Good Wish Indeed!

                                     Just a little bit of a favour for you to consider, please ......

    if you could "edit" your post and remove the connection of the LCMS away from the phrase ....  "by far not the only sect of Christianity"  ...

                   I am a Pastoral Member of the LCMS, and I personally confess that I (by God's Grace!!!) ... that I believe in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church        ...........                        and shudder to think anyone might possibly think me to be a member of a sect ...

            Tom, I've observed your   (and MJ's!) posts for years now, and I know this is NOT what you believe or are saying ....    I think your keyboard just "got carried away" a little ...             *smile*

                        So, if you're able to edit, I'll try to be "in time" to edit this, my response to you, so that this could all be relegated to a distant memory,eh?!

    My First Edit of this post:               What I would try to do is simply to remove the "content" of my reply to you.                *smile*

    Hi Milford,

    ugh . . . words . . . they can be so confusing.

    I tend to use the first definition of sect 

    a religious group that is a smaller part of a larger group and whose members all share similar beliefs.

    so often that I forgot the second definition of the word sect

    a religious or political group that is connected to a larger group but that has beliefs that differ greatly from those of the main group


    This being said,

    I am sorry how my use of this word offended some people.  This was not my intent.

    And I want to say thank you for bringing this topic to my attention.

  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    I do thank God for His Holy Spirit and for our mutual commitment in Christ to serve Him by loving and serving one another!    *smile*

                 Blessings to Tom, and Matthew, and MJ, and Ken, and all!          Indeed!

    So many of the distinctions and distractions that separate us have never, ever come from the Holy Spirit -- the Sanctifier and the Encourager and the Prompter of the One Holy Catholic Christian and Apostolic Church, eh?!                     *smile*

    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,475

    tom said:

    they are by far not the only group within Christianity that "doesn't play well with others."  

    Very true - there are a number of groups that I simply assume this is true of but there are occasionally surprises - often with identifiable history behind them.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Mikko Paavola
    Mikko Paavola Member Posts: 241 ✭✭

    I took a closer look on the Lutheran base packages and noticed that there's (at least) one more popular and important Lutheran resource missing: Lenski's commentaries (that are included in the regular Platinum thought).

    (That doesn't affect me personally since I have it already, but many new users would like it.)

    Faithlife Connect + several Base Packages + Luther's Works, etc.
    Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga 260, Win 10 Pro, Intel Core i7-6500U, 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Intel HD Graphics 520.
    iPhone 11.

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    I took a closer look on the Lutheran base packages and noticed that there's (at least) one more popular and important Lutheran resource missing: Lenski's commentaries (that are included in the regular Platinum thought).

    I noticed that too.  Maybe Logos will include Lenski in a Lutheran Platinum package. [:)]

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • fgh
    fgh Member Posts: 8,948 ✭✭✭

    I took a closer look on the Lutheran base packages and noticed that there's (at least) one more popular and important Lutheran resource missing: Lenski's commentaries

    And The Hammer of God: Revised Edtion.

    Mac Pro (late 2013) OS 12.6.2

  • Gabe Martini (Faithlife)
    Gabe Martini (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 815

    I noticed that too.  Maybe Logos will include Lenski in a Lutheran Platinum package. Smile

    At this time, we have included everything Lutheran that is possible. We'll continue to work to secure rights to more and more products for Base Packages.

    Product Department Manager

  • Randy W. Sims
    Randy W. Sims Member Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    I talked to several people at Logos who said that would not happen. If you have a preorder reserved and then buy a package containing that resource, then when the preorder is processed it will not charge you. I talked to someone in CS who told me that and then put me through to someone in Products who confirmed it. Is that not true?

    That's how it's worked before for me ... I was not charged a second time.

    I tested this just to see what would happen and was in fact charged twice without notice, contrary to what Logos told me on the phone. Faber was in the Anglican BP I picked up and I left it on my preorders just to see what would happen (yes, I was asking for it). Just got the email that it was charged,  and I verified it on my card. [:(] It's a pain that I have to go through and manually manage this myself.

  • Robert Harner
    Robert Harner Member Posts: 461 ✭✭

    I tested this just to see what would happen and was in fact charged twice without notice

    I did the same thing. Same reason. At 6:30PM MST I had an email apologizing for the mistake and saying the charge was refunded. So, it turned out ok.

  • Andrew Ruddell
    Andrew Ruddell Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    I too was surprised the new Lutheran Base package -Gold doesn't include Lenksi, I was even more surprised that it doesn't include Luther's Works nor the wonderful new CPH commentaries that Logos already has available. I didn't even see the Lutheran Study bible there or the several volumes of Johanne Gerhard's works or even the works of Martin Chemnitz or Melanchthon. It doesn't even have Walther's Church and Ministry or The Proper Distinction between Law and Gospel (CPH). Pieper's Christian Dogmatics and Elert is also missing. These are stunning omissions. Logos already has these well produced volumes and I'm puzzled why they are not included here. Then there are the many books (Preus, Roehrs & Franzmann, Voelz, Bohlmann, Koehler, BofC-Tappert, Kittel, Pannenburg, etc, etc)  that were on the wonderful  9 volume CD set put out several years ago and of course the Luther's Works CD.

    Is there any reason why these volumes that Logos sells separately are not included?

  • Paul-C
    Paul-C Member Posts: 1,896 ✭✭✭

    Is there any reason why these volumes that Logos sells separately are not included?

    I think in part it might be down to licensing agreements Logos has with different publishers. Because Logos has a licence to sell a resource individually or as part of a larger bundle, it doesn't mean they can necessarily make them a part of a base package. For example, some time ago, I think Baker New Testament Commentary, Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament and Pillar New Testament Commentary used to be a part of the Platinum base package, however I believe the publishers concerned asked Logos to remove them from future base packages and they were pulled.