Tagging Question in Wingren

Nathaniel D. Porter
Nathaniel D. Porter Member Posts: 17 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

I have a question for Logos or any owners in reference to contents of the Wipf & Stock package:

I'm not sure about Wingren's other works, but in Luther on Vocation, he footnotes the WA German edition extensively, and I am not the only English reader who has spent hours trying to track down which references exist where in the LW English edition of Luther. Does anyone know if Wingren's footnotes are cross-linked to the English edition where applicable? It would substantially increase my likelihood of investing in this if they are. Thanks.


  • Robert Harner
    Robert Harner Member Posts: 461 ✭✭

    Looking at a few footnotes in the beginning I see some like this:    WA 10,1,317     and    WA 19,637

    one like this:

    WA 32, 398. Not all who occupy the office are devout, but God does not inquire as to that; “be the person whatever he is, the office is nevertheless right and good, and not of man but of God himself.” WA 32, 529.

    Wingren, G. (2004). Luther on Vocation. (C. C. Rasmussen, Trans.). Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers.

    It is in the Lutheran Gold package - a lot less expensive that way.

  • Nathaniel D. Porter
    Nathaniel D. Porter Member Posts: 17 ✭✭

    Those are the original footnotes. My question is do some of those link directly to the English edition if you own it (Luther's Works)? WA is not completely translated yet, and what is translated does not have an easy equivalence to find it in the English version.