List of specific SDA resources

I just bought the Gold package with the Theology Bundle ver. 2 XL. Unfortunately, I ran out of pennies but would have loved the SDA resources. I would have gone with the the SDA base package but in order to get all of the data sets I needed to get at least gold; bummer. Anyway, just a few questions.
Is there a list of the specific 131 SDA resources that are in the Silver package? I tried looking online but seemed to get a list of everything in the package.
Will logos be coming out with a Gold SDA package that includes all of the data sets?
What's the cheapest way to add the 131 SDA resources to my package?
Welcome to the forums Alex.
1. Make sure that you are signed in to the website using the same email address and password that you are using for the software.
2. Go to and see your custom upgrade price for the Sda package that you desire.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Thanks. I need to call them today. They have my name and email all messed up. I tried to change some of it in the profile section but it won't allow me to.
Anyway, I followed the link above and put in SDA silver. It shows a price of $286.56. I'm a bit confused because that's not the price that the logos rep showed me at the pastor's retreat where I bought the software. I had asked him to price Gold, the theology bundle and the SDA resources. He did so and said the only way to do this was to add SDA silver as a package as well and that the computer would automatically adjust the price for the books that I already had in Gold and Theology bundles. When he showed me the final price the SDA silver was somewhere in the $700-$800 range which is why I dropped it. I would have kept all three if the silver package would have only added $286.
If I do the upgrade on the link above, does that take me down to SDA silver or do I retain Gold but now add the extra silver resources?
The upgrade tool says that the silver will add 124 new resources. That's a little confusing as well because I thought there were 131 SDA resources. I wouldn't have expected Gold to have had some of the SDA resources. I'm not sure if the Theology Bundle has SDA theology resources. I had looked through the online list in the theology bundle yesterday, and did not see anything SDA.
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Alex Rodriguezar said:
They have my name and email all messed up. I tried to change some of it in the profile section but it won't allow me to.
Go to your faithlife acount and make the changes there.
Alex Rodriguezar said:I followed the link above and put in SDA silver. It shows a price of $286.56
Some of the resources in Sda Silver (interlinears etc.,) are in Gold. That is why your price is lower. If you can still afford it just add silver. The fact that the cost is lower shows that the email address for the software and the one you are using on the forum and in the website are the same.
Alex Rodriguezar said:If I do the upgrade on the link above, does that take me down to SDA silver or do I retain Gold but now add the extra silver resources?
You will simply add the resources from Sda Silver that are not in Gold
Alex Rodriguezar said:The upgrade tool says that the silver will add 124 new resources. That's a little confusing as well because I thought there were 131 SDA resources.
That is because some of them are in the Gold package which you already own.
Alex Rodriguezar said:I'm not sure if the Theology Bundle has SDA theology resources. I had looked through the online list in the theology bundle yesterday, and did not see anything SDA.
Yes they do.
Alex Rodriguezar said:When he showed me the final price the SDA silver was somewhere in the $700-$800 range which is why I dropped it.
This was probably the price for Gold and Sda Silver.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Thanks for the help. I chatted with a sales rep who hooked me up with an education discount so I was able to add the SDA silver for $200. He found that I had two email that were somehow generated so that's taken care of as well.
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Alex Rodriguez said:
Thanks for the help. I chatted with a sales rep (...) He found that I had two email that were somehow generated so that's taken care of as well.
And that may be why you posted as Alex Rodriguezar. So welcome to the forums - twice.
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I bought the Starter Package when I bought in last Year. I did not want all the books that I knew I wouldn't read or reference. But when I called my order in I asked for all the data sets and they charged me separately for them, there was an specific upgrade Data Set package ( that I had to buy. I was able to get what I wanted and not the rest. You can add the material you want later, which may end up being cheaper in the long run since in a package deal you are buying resources that you won't ever use. Even in the SDA packages there are books that I wouldn't ever use.
Starter Post:
By the way I'm in now! I called Logos this morning and talked to the Sales Rep. I told him what I wanted and he worked out a Deal that was better than what I had imagined.
I explained that I really didn't want the other commentaries etc... other than the SDA one and the other books and studies were also of little interest to me, but I said I wanted all the advanced Data Sets like Clause search etc... He said that the cheapest way to do it was to buy the Starter package and then get the Crossgrade with the Data Sets in it.
I 'm not sure they want me to say the price here in the forum, so I won't, but let me say that after buying the Starter Base Package at a 10% discount, I got the Crossgrade for about 1/5th of the advertised price for that Item alone, because they only charge for the Items that the Starter Base Package doesn't contain and that only amounted to about 1/5th of the stated price of the Crossgrade.
So in my opinion that is the way to go. The cheapest way in to Logos 5 with all the bells and whistles.
Now it's time to Study!!