Ellen G. White Books

This may be answered somewhere in this forum, but I don't know what to search under. I have the Ellen G. White Writings Comprehensive Research Edition 2008 put out by the White Estate using FastFolio Folio Views format. I also have the free Logos5 engine download and some free books to learn how to use it (also exploring the Personal Book Builder). Since I don't have any Ellen White Logos books, how does Logos compare for searching her books, periodical articles, etc? Can you go directly to a book (or periodical), page, and paragraph as in the Folio Views version? What functionality would be different in her books built by Logos and using PB to build her books? This also applies to other resources on this CD - EGW Biographies, EGW Index, KJV bible, EGW reference works, Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary, Words of the Pioneers, and 7 historical reference works.
I have the CD ROM as well, but it doesn't function as well on the Macbook. I would imagine you may want to create a collection and drop her writings in there. The logos version does not have the NW 1828 dictionary I believe or the pioneers writings. But as I have encountered you can do everything just as you would in the CD Rom. The only thing I would like to see is all the writings tagged and all bible texts tagged. So we can run the cursor over the blue highlight and a text of scripture or her writings shows up in a preview or you click it and that reference opens up. Logos though, can copy and past and automatically give you a footnote an citation and bib if you need it. Hope this helps your question.
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Sorry, I meant to also say that Dr. Weber has said Logos has reached an agreement with the White Estate to redo her writings and tag them and probably just make them better. Will they include the 1800 Dictionary? I don't know. Will they include the writings of the pioneers? Hopefully. Will they include the all the unpublished writings of her to be released next year? We are hoping they will. So, an agreement is said to have been reached but what that includes we don't know. We have wish lists, but only Dr. Weber can answer this question better.
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We are still working on the details of this new contract. My desire is to have everything the White Estate produces, but it may just be the EGW books themselves. The process is complex and I still have no exact time table. I'll keep you updated.